A little Perspective

The last two days helped me put things into perspective. On Tuesday night, at 2 am a storm came through and I literally thought the roof of my parents house was going to fly off! Storms are always worse at the lake, but this was BAD! We were staying on the third floor(4th if you count basement) and several times I contemplated getting up and gong to the basement, which would have been a smart idea! Luckily Wyatt slept right through it. I thought by the next morning the power would be back on-WRONG!

So Wyatt got a healthy breakfast of three frosted donuts, a banana and some milk. We then entertained him while we managed to get ready, with no hot water and natural light. We ventured out of the house and that is when we noticed how bad the storm must have been. It looked like a tornado hit! Trees on the lines, trees on houses, trees uprooted, power lines snapped in half, we had never seen it this bad. Mom and I took Wyatt to Monkey Joes to get some of his energy out, then to eat lunch and home for nap (thank goodness that his sound machine took batteries)! When we got home, still no power and no people working on the power! After nap we decided to take Wyatt to see HOP and for dinner and then we were hoping that the power would be back on... WRONG! We got out the candles, flash lights and managed to get him to bed, even though he had no bath. Wednesday morning we ALL needed a bath, thankfully my mother-in-law has a town home in Evans and we went there to take showers and mom and I also got to enjoy a massage at Retreat! When we drove back to the lake, there were people working on the power lines!!! By 9 Wednesday night, we had power. When it came on.... it was like Christmas! Mom and I got so excited and we started loading the dishwasher and trying to get things done while we had power.

Mom and I both pointed out how lucky we were to have restaurants to be able to go to, a place to take a hot shower, a way to still get Wyatt milk even though we couldn't keep it cold, a house that stayed cool during the day and night, a place to sleep, we had many things that many people don't. We were thankful!


  1. Love this, Nicole. Sometimes all it takes is a storm...


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