McKinley Morgan is here!

Monday night I was a wreck! That night God gave me a peace about everything and I was even able to get a full five hours of rest before we had to get up and head to the hospital. It was so weird waking up, taking a shower, dressing and loading up the car all to go have a baby. It's not how the movies portray it! After arriving at the hospital at 6:05 (we were five minutes late) I was called to the back to get ready for surgery. I'll be honest, I was very nervous but let me give you a quick run down of what happened (I also want this for my own reference so I can remember exactly what happens!).....

-blood pressure
-answer lots of questions
-take your temp
-put gown on
-they come shave you
-start IV (they numb you up!!!! Thank goodness)
-take blood
-and then you wait.......

Once wheeled to O.R.......
-helped rolled on another table
-sat up and leaned over for the Spinal
-laid back because the warm tingle in your legs starts immediately and you can't feel much
-prick you and run some tests to make sure you can't feel anything
-put catheter in- all modesty goes out the window!
-pull your arms to your side
THROW UP! yes this happened last time and it is NOT A GOOD FEELING!
-They get ready to start!!!! Bring in Todd and Mom!
-baby comes out! This time I got to hear her cry and see her! Sweet moment!
-take baby and family away
-put me back together and learned later on they gave me versed to keep me calm while they did all that
-taken to recovery and covered, I mean covered with warm blankets, heating lamp and heat fan thing because I was freezing!
-feeling a little weird, so I asked if they gave me anything- yes they did- VERSED and I'm not thinking I handled it well because I felt like CRAP!
-Taken to room and again rolled onto another bed. cleaned up and put in my own gown.

So now that I gave you a little quick run down, let me just say that the throwing up didn't end in the O.R. The bad started when I was in the room, I had our photographer waiting to take pictures and I looked and felt like crap. I had a constant urge to throw up so I was trying the trick the nurse taught me, inhaling an alcohol pad! While at the same time holding a small pillow to my incision and a bucket! I lost it a couple of times and ended up throwing up and crying to Todd that I didn't want to because I knew it would hurt. In walks family and a big rush of people and it was a horrible feeling because all the motion made me feel even worse. Once everyone was gone, I took a phenergan and a nap and felt 10x better!! I could actually look up and not want to throw up. I spent the day in bed, trying to nurse sweet girl, which I am so thankful that she slept most the day, since I still felt like crap! I did get yummy soup for both lunch and dinner and some jello, oh and lots of ice chips!! For pain I had two lovely shot of dilaudid 11 am and again at 9 pm. We went to bed hoping for a goodnight.....

Of course that night the nurses were in and out, I could barely keep my eyes open as I tried to nurse McKinley and at 6:30 we were both up for the day. At 7 the catheter came out and the goal was to get me to sit in a chair. Followed by a shower, and then hopefully eating normal food. I was able to do all but eat a normal meal. My mom was spent the day with me, helped braid my hair, and keep me company so Todd could go to work for a couple of hours. That night we all got more rest!

Wow! I feel MUCH better. Showering was easier, moving around is getting easier, I can now eat normal food! Oh and my milk is starting to come in. I DO NOT remember this! Its funny what you forget. In addition to forgetting how "large" you get, I also forgot how impossible is it to bend over and pick stuff up or how much of a challenge it is to get in and out of bed or up and out of a chair. It hurts more than I can remember and I am very limited with what i can do with McKinley and even more so with Wyatt.

Wyatt has been up here once a day and he is so sweet to her. He runs in a looks for me, gives me a kiss and then looks for "baby." He likes to give her kisses and just run around, which is why he is only here a limited amount of time. I can't wait to have the whole family together even though I know some challenges lie ahead of us!


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