Disney Part 2

You live…You learn…and then you stay at a closer hotel!

We loved staying at the Animal Kingdom lodge! It was beyond beautiful and Wyatt loved the fact that animals could be seen from our balcony! The pool and slide were also great and Wyatt had a blast. The lodge is great IF your going to spend most of your time at Animal Kingdom, which was a short 5 minute bus ride from the Lodge to the park. If you are going to spend most of your time at Magic Kingdom, then this is not the best place to stay. Unlike the other hotels that offer, a boat, monorail and bus to get you to the parks, the Animal Lodge only offers a bus. A bus that runs every 20 minutes. This bus almost always had a line of people waiting and so there was about a 75% chance that you were going to have to stand up, while holding a toddler, and stroller for your 15 minute ride! Not fun! The other down side was that when you load up on the bus, you also have to unload your stroller (you know all the crap that collects in the bin underneath) and then fold it up to get on.
So… we learned our lesson and next time we will be staying at a resort that offers more than a bus!

Things to know for Disney Travel with a toddler:
*there will be TEARS and FITS and TANTRUMS!!! Oh yes, unless your child is an absolute angel child, these things will happen! You push them to the limit, past bedtime, past meal time, its hot, they are overstimulated, keep them up past naptime, drag them through lines, and make them hold still for pictures! Don’t worry though! You will not be the only one with a screaming toddler, trust me!
*pack light- through a diaper and some wipes in your bag and GO! Your bag will be checked, your stroller will be folded!
*Get a small camera- I LOVE my camera but for trips like this, I wish I would have had a small one that wasn’t so heavy!
*Through their schedule out the window! If you try to follow naps and bedtimes, you will miss half the stuff they offer at Disney! Just go with it!


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