McKinley Five Months (5.5)
Her gift from Mimi and Papa

Playing on her mat (her hangout spot!)

She LOVES holding her cup

Enjoying some sweet taters

I've had this post written for days, and in my mind I have posted it a hundred times but yet here we are! She is 5 and a half months old and I am just now getting this out there! I am in love with this age!
*SLEEP: After her bedtime bottle she will go down (normally) very easy. On most nights you can lay her in the crib with her blankie and she will put herself to sleep. She will sleep from 7-7, sometimes a little later and sometimes a littler earlier. When she does wake in the morning she will talk happily and on occasion will go back to sleep. Naps can be another story. She needs 3, sometimes 4! All depends on the day and what we are doing. Some days it’s a bunch of catnaps and other days she will take 2 very long naps and one evening catnap. If I lay her in the crib before she is to tired, she will put herself to sleep. We are working hard at this! if we are out and about she will normally just fall asleep when she is tired. When 7 rolls around, she is ready for sleep! No matter where she is! This is a lot different than Wyatt at this age, because he didn't even go to bed until 8:30.
*Not needing her paci as much as she once did. To be honest, she rarely cries!!
*She sleeps great on her tummy and likes her pink bunny blankie but is not in love with it yet.
*Laughing a lot more. Wyatt can almost always make her laugh! She also likes to laugh at my parent’s dog, Tinkerbell.
*Rolling, Rolling, Rolling! This girl loves to move. I think crawling is right around the corner.
*Grabbing at everything and it all goes in her mouth!
*She is more chatty these days but still much more reserved than Wyatt was. She loves to smile though.
*FOOD FOR THOUGH: She is a picky little eater! Truly a princess! Some mornings it’s 3oz and some days it’s the full 8. Some nights she won't even take a bottle before bed and yet she still makes it all night! She is learning to eat solids, an ongoing process. We started at 4.5 months and she is still at one meal a day, if that. However, within the last two days, she has started to eat much better.
*BIG EVENT: This month she spent her first night (6 nights) away from home!!! She stayed with Nancy while we were in Disney with Wyatt. Ken had a great report to give us though, " she is the best baby! So happy and content!" and he has had 4 kids!
Our baby girl is growing fast and honestly, I'm having a hard time letting her grow up!
Playing on her mat (her hangout spot!)
She LOVES holding her cup
Enjoying some sweet taters
I've had this post written for days, and in my mind I have posted it a hundred times but yet here we are! She is 5 and a half months old and I am just now getting this out there! I am in love with this age!
*SLEEP: After her bedtime bottle she will go down (normally) very easy. On most nights you can lay her in the crib with her blankie and she will put herself to sleep. She will sleep from 7-7, sometimes a little later and sometimes a littler earlier. When she does wake in the morning she will talk happily and on occasion will go back to sleep. Naps can be another story. She needs 3, sometimes 4! All depends on the day and what we are doing. Some days it’s a bunch of catnaps and other days she will take 2 very long naps and one evening catnap. If I lay her in the crib before she is to tired, she will put herself to sleep. We are working hard at this! if we are out and about she will normally just fall asleep when she is tired. When 7 rolls around, she is ready for sleep! No matter where she is! This is a lot different than Wyatt at this age, because he didn't even go to bed until 8:30.
*Not needing her paci as much as she once did. To be honest, she rarely cries!!
*She sleeps great on her tummy and likes her pink bunny blankie but is not in love with it yet.
*Laughing a lot more. Wyatt can almost always make her laugh! She also likes to laugh at my parent’s dog, Tinkerbell.
*Rolling, Rolling, Rolling! This girl loves to move. I think crawling is right around the corner.
*Grabbing at everything and it all goes in her mouth!
*She is more chatty these days but still much more reserved than Wyatt was. She loves to smile though.
*FOOD FOR THOUGH: She is a picky little eater! Truly a princess! Some mornings it’s 3oz and some days it’s the full 8. Some nights she won't even take a bottle before bed and yet she still makes it all night! She is learning to eat solids, an ongoing process. We started at 4.5 months and she is still at one meal a day, if that. However, within the last two days, she has started to eat much better.
*BIG EVENT: This month she spent her first night (6 nights) away from home!!! She stayed with Nancy while we were in Disney with Wyatt. Ken had a great report to give us though, " she is the best baby! So happy and content!" and he has had 4 kids!
Our baby girl is growing fast and honestly, I'm having a hard time letting her grow up!
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