2 Years Old

Wyatt is officially TWO! I can't believe it! I feel like we have been in the mist of the terrible twos for some time now but some days are better than others! Here's what little man has been up to.....

*SLEEP: We went through about a week of him waking up at 4 and then not really ever going back to sleep. It was like having a newborn! I would go in, change him, rock him, lay him down. He would rest for about 30 minutes then we would repeat! Our doctor suggested a change in his routine and that has worked like magic...
7:15- read two books in rocking chair
bath and pjs
one book in rocking chair
down in crib wide awake
So far so good. He is still waking up anywhere form 6-7 but he will normally hang out in his crib for 20 minutes or so. This gives me enough time to get up and get half way decent before getting him.

Naps are still great! If he doesn't have school he goes down around 12 and sleeps until 2:30/ 3. If he does have school he goes to sleep around 1:45-3/3:45. Just depends on the day! When he wakes from his nap, he likes to turn his light on (yes, he can do this now!) and put all of his stuffed animals on top of the crib.

*FOOD: He is kind of picky these days. Some days he is in love with everything in sight and other days he doesn't want to eat. Some favorites....
-macaroni or as he says roni
-chicken nuggets
-hot dogs
-grits with cheese, eggs and pepper
-buddy fruits
-uncrustable- peanut butter with honey
-frozen pineapple

What cracks me up is the fact that he knows exactly what he wants and there is no changing his mind. Some days after school he wants gummies other days he wants goldfish. Some days for a snack he wants yogurt and he will go to the fridge and pick it out. Other days he wants a buddy fruit! Cracks me up.

*What he's loving right now......
-Princess and the Frog- he is in love with this movie!!!!!
-Woody and Buzz
-Stealing McKinley's toys and saying "mine!"
-playing with all of his little action figures
-using a spoon and fork- he has become very good at this-FINALLY
-learning new words all the time

*VOCAB: He will try to say just about anything! He is great at repeating what you say. Here are some words I love to hear him say...
-bataman (batman)
-mickey mouse
-love you
-sit down
He is now saying short 2-3 word sentences and its so very cute!

He is growing, growing, growing and I can't believe it!


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