Disney Part 1

We had an amazing time at Disney! I think that the perfect age is between 2-4. Wyatt was amazed and there were several times I was brought to tears by just watching him experience all of these new magical things.
Tuesday: Todd woke up and flew McKinley to Nancy’s house while we stayed behind and got Wyatt’s haircut and last minute things loaded up. By 12 we were on the road and Wyatt was throwing a fit before we even left Augusta! We quickly learned that Wyatt was happy for about two hours in the car and then we had to let him out to stretch his legs. We broke the trip up like this and finally at 9 we mad it to our hotel in Orlando. Of course he managed to stay up the ENTIRE ride and only fell asleep 20 minutes before reaching the hotel. One thing I love about this kid is that he is easily transferred. We got his bed ready and Todd carried him in, changed him and laid him down without him waking up. He even managed to sleep in until 7:30 the next morning.

Wednesday: We got a quick bit to eat at IHOP before heading to the park and resort. After getting a little turned around we finally pulled into the Animal Kingdom Safari lodge YAY!!! We unloaded only what we needed for the park:
-3 diapers/ pack of wipes
-Drink cup for Wyatt
-Park tickets
-Camera and camera bag

What is nice about staying at one of the Disney resorts is the shuttle bus! We waited about 10 minutes and then loaded on the bus. Poor Todd had to fold and unfold EVERY time we got on and off. It was about a 5-minute drive to the Animal Kingdom. Upon getting off we met our first full blown all out welcome to Disney world two year old fit!!!! Wyatt did not and I repeat DID NOT want to ride in the stroller. He wanted Mimi or Papa to carry him. Well he weighs about 30 lbs and it was 90 degrees, we weren’t about to carry him through the entire park. There were tears, and more tears and a runny nose by time we reached the gate. People would walk by and say, “He’s not to happy today!” No kidding! The funny thing was, I didn’t feel to embarrassed because after all it is DISNEY WORLD and I can’t have the only overly tired two year old! Come on. We forged on, showed him some animals, found the Nemo show and somehow made him happy. After a quick lunch, it was back to the hotel for a nap and while Papa stayed behind with little man, Mom, Todd and I headed to the outlets to buy my dad some tennis shoes. We returned to a happy little fellow admiring the giraffes that were right outside our room. At 6 we headed back to the park. Not soon enough!!! We waited for the bus for about 20 minutes and when it did arrive it was FULL. It wasn’t a 5-minute ride to Magic Kingdom; it was a 12-minute ride! When we finally got there (throw in a fit or two) we promptly sat on the curb and guarded a spot for the parade. While dad sat with Wyatt, the three of us raced to find some kind of food. We ended up eating hamburgers while standing over the stroller and waiting for 8pm and the parade to start. When it did start it was SO VERY worth it. Wyatt watched in amazement as the characters and lights paraded by. He was dancing and clapping and had a huge smile on his face. He also had a buzz light year that would spin around and light up!!! We made it back to the hotel at 9 and got Wyatt down for the night. It was a crazy first day.

Thursday: We got an early start to our day, but for a fun reason! Breakfast at Disney’s Hollywood Studio with Handy Manny, Little Einstein’s and Special Agent Oso!!! Wyatt was in love! They danced, came to visit with him and sang throughout the entire breakfast. He was so cute to watch. After breakfast we headed over to ride the Buzz Light year ride, watch the little mermaid show, do the movie ride and of course, stand in line for 45 minutes to meet the one and only, Buzz and Woody!!!! Of course the morning wouldn’t have been complete without a couple of tears but all was good! Wyatt was also transformed into SUPER WYATT (he had his face painted!) the rest of the afternoon he referred to himself and SUPER WYATT! It was priceless. We had a quick lunch followed by another wonderful parade and a trip back to the hotel for naps for both mommy and Wyatt. We then took it easy the rest of the evening and ate dinner at the hotel and enjoyed the pool!

Friday: Magic Kingdom FINALLY!!! It was a fun filled morning that started with meeting three Disney princesses, complete with three kisses! He was so sweet, he sat and talked to princesses and gave them each a hug before he left. When we walked out he looked so proud that he got a kiss from them! Cutest thing ever! We then rode some rides and waited in another line to see his favorite Princess, Princess Tiana from Princess and the Frog. He had a couple more meltdowns before we made it to our really late lunch (2:20!) at Cinderella’s Royal Table. He met some more Princesses and even got a sword! The afternoon was filled with a nap for Wyatt and some down time for mommy and daddy. When he woke up we got ready for Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween. He was dressed as “Buzz Wyatt” and through out the night when people talked to him he referred to himself as “Buzz Wyatt”. We waited for the parade to start, this child loves some parades and then did a little trick or treating and even had a dance party with Woody and Jessie. It was so much fun and he had a blast.

Saturday: Day of rest but first a breakfast at the Wilderness Lodge. Mimi and Papa took Wyatt for the day and Todd and I went to Hollywood Studios and Epcot for some adult rides and yummy lunch. We returned to the hotel just in time for the luau (which was horrible!). We had the worst seats and Wyatt didn’t want to sit when he couldn’t see anything. So we decided to ditch the luau and go to the park to see the parade! Wyatt really enjoyed this. He also got to ride the monorail for the first time and he called it his rocket ship.

Sunday: The day started on a safari ride in Animal Kingdom, and he finally got to meet Lilo and Stitch. For some reason this park makes his fits 10x worse! I’m not sure why but he cried and screamed all the way out of the park and to the bus! Once on the bus he was much better. We were off to the Magic Kingdom to meet Mickey Mouse and Tinkerbell and of course see a little parade! We ate a quick lunch and escaped the short rainstorm. Followed by a nap for Papa and Wyatt at the hotel while we rode some more adult rides. We decided to leave Magic Kingdom and explore the grand Floridian. It was such a nice hotel! Wyatt ended up taking a boat, monorail, bus and then another bus to get back to the hotel that night. I’m not sure how he stayed in a good mood through all the transfers but he did!


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