I'm pretty sure it's his favorite place

At this age it's cooler than a trip to the beach and more fun than Disney.... It's a trip to Mimi and Papa's (and trust me, it's equally as fun to me!)

A place where messes can me made, couches turn into forts and there is ALWAYS an audience to entertain (he loves people clapping for him) and he always gets their full attention no matter what they had going on before he arrived! Where slides and a very large pool can be blown up in minutes and papa never seems to mind the task of taking it down! Sleepovers are ALWAYS welcome, even though he is an early riser and they are normally late sleepers. Yummy snacks can always be found and Mimi will cook whatever his little heart desires! Beds where made to be jumped on and bath time is loads more fun!! There are plenty of toys (new and old, even vintage) to be found. And memories are made!

He spent the night Wednesday and then all day Thursday, cried so hard leaving Thursday begging to stay, that after a fun filled day Friday, they let him stay the night again! The kid loves his Mimi and Papa!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. We love our sweet baby boy (and BABY)! and we are thinking our daughter should become a writer!


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