Swim diapers DO hold poop

If you have ever wondered how well a swim diaper actually holds poop, I can now tell you (and trust me I wish I couldn't)!

I need to back up a little though and tell you about our week so far! I soaked up the weekend, because I knew that come Monday it was just going to be the three of us. I will be very honest, Monday was the first day that I was completley on my OWN, from the time they rise until the time they go to bed. No MDO, no Vivienne's house, no midafternoon visit from Mimi and Papa, and no daddy at 5:30! I have been very spoiled!

I was SO tired on Monday morning. McKinley woke up at 2 and then again at 5:30. I don't like the 5:30 wake ups because I know that by time I nurse her and put her back down, its time for Wyatt to be getting up. At 6:30 the whole house was awake! We had a great morning, nice play date at Carters, lunch with daddy and then a wonderful nap for both babies. After naps we went out to play in the baby pool and water table and this is where the day started to fall apart. We played for a while and Wyatt really loved it! McKinley, not so much! She wanted to eat, then didn't want to eat, she wanted to sleep but then didn't want to sleep. My aunt was nice enough to bring us dinner, which got us out of the pool. It was nice to have an extra hand! This is when I discovered the Wyatt had pooped at some point while outside. GREAT! It was everywhere! The fussy baby was in good hands, I cleaned up Wyatt, got him some dinner and then we took turns eating and keeping McKinley happy. Let me just say, it is HARD to get both ready for bed and put down alone, at this stage anyway!! She likes to be held a certain way at night and eat when he needs a bath and bed! I just had to let her cry while I put wyatt down. It was an adventure!!


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