Wyatt is 20 months

20 months

So I missed bogging about 19 months but to be honest, with the baby arriving and school ending and having family help take care of him it was just a huge whirlwind! We are trying to get back on track though!
Since the baby came and 20 months hit, it has been hard! Lets just say that we all look forward to nap time and bedtime! He doesn’t like to walk anywhere, he only wants to be held, he likes to scream and hit and throw things! Oh and when he doesn’t get his way he likes to sit on the ground, sometimes lay, and just not get up! I must say that we have hit the terrible twos! However, on occasion he lets us see the sweet little boy we all know and love…..

At 20 months here is what my sweet (80% of the time) boy is up to…..
Sleep: Still great naps from about 1 until 3 on most days. Bed time- still goes down very easy, sleeps with his little lambie and sometimes his buzz! Goes down about 7:30/8 and sleeps until 6:30/7! We need to work on this! I would love to see him sleep until 7:30! PLEASE!!!!!!

Eating: he is a pretty good little eater! He will normally try anything but of course has his favorites! He never misses a meal though!

Vocab: It seems to expand EVERYDAY!! Yes, I feel like everyday I hear him say something new. Here are a few new words….
Frog (sounds like a not so nice word though☹ replace the g with ck!)
Ma- this is what he calls me these days
Hold baby
Sit, sit, sit- means he wants to hold baby
Can name head, nose, mouth and eyes- likes to point these out on the baby!
Side, side- means slide or outside- one word for two things
Momos- tomatoes
Bless you

I’m sure he has many more but at the moment that is all that comes to me! He can express what he wants!

Current favorites: going outside, playing at the little water spot at the park, swings, slides, mega mind, toy story, curious george, holding his sister, playing with his men (action figures), going on golf cart rides, he can sing some of the Justin bieber song BABY( I LOVE THIS!).

I can’t believe that 20 months has come and almost gone and he has grown so much! I know that 2 is right around the corner!


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