McKinley One Month

One Month:

Our sweet baby girl is one month old and this makes me very sad! Time truly does fly by when you have kids. I would like it to slow down just a little! We feel so blessed to have her in our lives. When people ask, “are you done?”. We honestly can’t decide because we are so in love with our sweet boy and now our girl, we can’t imagine it any other way. We feel so blessed to have two, healthy, good children! We will see though…..

Sleep/nursing: this is one that EVERY SINGLE person asks us about so here is, her day normally looks something like this….
She will wake up to nurse then stay awake for about an hour. Then she will sleep while we all get ready for the day. Then I will nurse her again; we normally run errands or have to take Wyatt to school or Vivienne’s so she will fall asleep in the car. When she wakes (sometimes she will sleep 3 or 4 hours!) Then she will normally fall back asleep and when she wakes I will nurse again. She pretty much sleeps or eats until we get home from dinner around 7. From 7 until 9 she stays awake and nurses or just wants to be held. She is not bad and doesn’t constantly cry, but these are the hardest hours of the day because you can’t get much done!

-I also think she has a little reflux because she will act like she wants to nurse, but then will pull away and fuss, nurse again and then pull away and she LOVES to spit/throw up! Once she is asleep though, she will go about 3 hours at night before needing to eat again!

-she is much better at nursing than her brother was! I am so thankful for this!

-She is not a big fan of the car seat! When you first put her in it, she will scream until she calms down or falls asleep.

-She is not a big fan of a paci yet, however I’m still working on this one!

-Unlike her brother, she likes to be swaddled but doesn’t like her arms swaddled. She sleeps with those out. She is also a noisy sleeper, so we put her in the crib two days ago! I sleep better when I don’t hear every little sound she makes!

She really is a happy and content baby though! We are so blessed! She has also done great at going to movies with her mommy. She has slept through 5 now!


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