In the perfect place

I need to make this quick, because I know that in a couple of hours a sweet little girl will be waking to eat and I need to get some sleep, but I WANT to get back to blogging so here it goes......

Today was the last day of our vacation (trip to Nana's- more to come about that later) and I will admit is was a ROUGH start! Wyatt woke up at 6:15 chatting away and so we all decided to get up, shower and go to breakfast together. Due to the fact that we both had to shower, this was not a quick process. First I pumped while McKinley was sleeping, then left Todd in charge of watching Wyatt while I got in the shower. I made it through a nice shower, McKinley continued to sleep, and I was even able to get dressed and brush my teeth before the little one woke to eat. I heated a bottle, let Todd jump in the shower and tried to occupy Wyatt. This is when I miss my playroom and some of the comforts of being in your own home. I hate to say it but we went for TV entertainment! We watched the animal planet together while daddy got ready and Wyatt continued to get restless. I don't blame him though, he was ready to eat, have some milk and get some energy out. I handed over both kids to Todd (Keep in mind we are in one room trying to keep him entertained and her happy) and I went to dry my hair and put a little makeup on. Wyatt wanted up and down on the bed, was throwing his action figures behind the bed, screaming, trying to beat up his daddy and just being a boy! The screaming continued as we went up to say goodbye to his Nana and get him dressed. Screaming and crying because he didn't want to walk, or say bye or give hugs, you get the picture! It was also past his time to eat and he was HUNGRY! I think you get how our morning was going. It continued with the screaming, then getting into EVERYTHING as we tried to pack up and hit the road. To top it all off I was not feeling the best. Body ached for some reason, and I think I over did it this week so I was in a little pain.

All of this lead to a break down in the car and tears! Yes, I cried again! I am ready to feel normal! I feel terrible that I can't pick up and play with Wyatt like i want to. I miss our special moments and our times with just him. I know that sounds bad but I do! He is also going through a very needy phase, with screaming and tantrums and somedays they get the best of me! This might have been one of them. Todd just took my hand and said, "We are right where God wants us!" I needed to hear that. I know look back at the moment and realize that we are right where God would have us and this is just another season in our life! We will make it through this. As hard as it is somedays, just when I think I can't handle it, Wyatt says something so funny or gives you a big hug or McKinley smiles or sleeps 6 straight hours at night. I am right where I need to be and I am thankful for family and great friends that are helping us make it through!


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