
Showing posts from November, 2010

Funny Moment

I think babies can be very funny! However, I feel like toddlers are even funnier. There are so many moments throughout the day that just make me laugh and I want to start sharing them! Maybe they will make you laugh or just smile but it's mainly so I can look back and remember all of these funny little moments. Monday afternoon we were waiting for daddy to get home and passing the time by playing upstairs in the playroom. He grabbed his book Goodnight Moon and I said, "bring it here, I'll read it!" He shock his head no and sat down, almost indian style in front of me. I watched him flip through the book and try to read it. That's not the funny part! ***SIDE NOTE:*** when we went to Montana in September there was a fire place within reach, so every time we saw it we said to him- "Fire hot! NO,NO!" and for some reason he would pat his head. Now every time he eats something hot, I say "it's hot" or he sees fire- he touches his head. Bac...

18 weeks

I'm 18 weeks! Pregnancy Highlights: How Far Along : 18 Weeks Size of baby : McKinley is the size of a sweet potato! Total Weight Gain/Loss : as of last week at the doctor.... lost 2 lbs. Maternity Clothes : Went shopping last Friday!! Currently loving my pea in the pod black and jean color jeggings (I hate that term- so lets call them my jean leggings.) I love these things! Gender: It’s a GIRL Movement : Feeling her move more and more as the days go by! Mostly at night when lay down but also some throughout the day. Random little movements to let me know she is there. Sleep: Still thrown off a little by the time change! Also Wyatt has been waking up on occasion! What I miss : sleeping on my stomach and back. I love both! Cravings : Sweet stuff! I want Sweet Tarts, Sour gummy worms, etc. I have no desire to eat fried chicken, a lot of red meat or really anything fried. I’m just not that hungry. Symptoms : Right now just a little tired and if I don’t eat, I don’t feel well. The sme...

Jean Leggings? YES PLEASE

So because Augusta has ZERO good maternity stores, we flew to Charlotte on Friday to do a little retail therapy for this growing mama! When I was pregnant with Wyatt, I discovered Destination Maternity on Madison Avenue in NYC and then found out how great GAP's maternity line was. Sure I can order stuff online, but I hate having to send it back when it doesn't fit! I love going through the store and seeing everything and trying everything on! That can be a workout though! Trying to pull up jeans with no zipper or buttons! So we went to the Gap first and found some great deals but nothing WONDERFUL! I was still doubting maternity jeans and if I would ever get used to them. Last go round, I wore dresses and skirts! Much better than jeans. So after getting completely worn out we took a lunch break at one of my very favorite places to eat....MAGGIANOS! I love it! We walked around another mall and let Wyatt take a snooze in the stroller then loaded him up again and headed to destina...

Sleeping in my arms

It's been a long time since I've held him while he sleeps! He normally is rocked for a minute, put in crib and goes right to sleep but then again the last time he took a morning nap at home was like a month ago! He was awake at 6:50 this morning, tired by 8:30 but we pushes through to go to his little gym class at Haydens. He had one very dirty diaper before leaving the house and didn't really feel the best. However he enjoyed his class but feel apart on way home. I took him right up to his room and he was falling asleep as I changed him, laid him down and hoped for the best. He was quiet until about 10 minutes later when he just started crying like he'd hurt himself! This was not like him so I went up and changed another BAD diaper! Then I tried to just hold him and he cried. Finally after rocking for a minute he stopped crying and went to sleep. Which is what he is still doing as I type this! I'm rocking and he is sleeping. I don't want this to be a long nap b...

Day Light Savings

I was loving my little monkey sleeping until 7:30/7:45 and then sometimes falling back to sleep until around 8:30. Then we had day light savings! Sunday morning (the first morning) he woke up at 6:15! Are you kidding me! Luckily my body did the same and we also had to get ready for church, we actually left he house on time!!!!! This was a first but hopefully not a last. On the way to my family’s house, he feel asleep- at 10:30 and then only took an hour afternoon nap. Monday morning he was up at 6:00, I changed his diaper and tried to lay him back down. This did not go over well. He stayed in his crib until about 7 but never went to sleep. I then noticed at 8 he was tired, so I tried to lay him down, I rocked him to sleep, laid him in the crib and he got right up! He made it to school and then took a good nap. Monday night, my sweet little baby boy turned in to this child I have never met! By 6 he did not want to eat, all he wanted to do was for me to chase him around the house, which ...

17 weeks

I'm 17 weeks! Pregnancy Highlights: How Far Along: 17 Weeks Size of baby : McKinley is the size of an onion! Total Weight Gain/Loss : Gained 4.5 lbs Maternity Clothes : I need to go shopping!!! Currently loving my gap maternity skinny jeans and black leggings! Gender : It’s a GIRL Movement : Felt her move for the first time on Friday, November 5th. I had to lay very still in order to feel the small movement. Sleep: Time change has me very tired at night but ready to get up around 6:45. Tossing and turning a little to get comfortable. What I miss : sleeping on my stomach and back. I love both! Cravings : Sweet stuff! I want Sweet Tarts, Sour gummy worms, etc. I have no desire to eat fried chicken, a lot of red meat or really anything fried. I’m just not that hungry. Symptoms : Right now just a little tired and if I don’t eat, I don’t feel well. The smell of some fried foods makes me sick. Best Moment this week: feeling her move for the first time.


Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but having kids gives a new meaning to it and makes it ALOT more fun! Last year it was just about carving pumpkins with the family and taking pictures of our little lobster but this year it was about trick or treating and getting together with friends!! I love our family tradition of pumpkin carving at the lake which also includes hearing ghost stories told by kids under the age of 6 and eating good food! So I always look forward to that:)! This year we started a new tradition, well a couple of them. 1. trick or treating with Wyatt's little buddies (and mine!!) so much fun! A cow, a sock monkey and a skeleton are very cute walking up to houses to get their mommies lots of candy! It is also always fun to have some good old adult conversation with some great couples! 2. NO more costumes with big bulky head pieces! Wyatt had this cute little lion costume, we got two pictures and then he didn't want to put it on again! He hated it! So at the la...