It's Rough (at least for right now)

I am counting down the minutes until Kristin arrives and Todd and I head to Sheehans! An early date night for us! It's Thursday, the week isn't over yet and it's been one heck of a week. I'm pretty sure that I only survived it thanks to my parents and having Todd home with us on Wednesday. Let me start at the beginning, actually let's just go back to last week because that was a rough one too!

Last Sunday night Todd had to go to Atlanta for some training and instead of being alone at home, I packed up the kids and went to stay at my parents. Wyatt and McKinley both think that Mimi and Papa's house is the greatest place on this earth. Pancakes cut into shapes with powder sugar to start the day, hanging out in the pool until our fingers are wrinkled and ending the day with a golf cart ride and Popsicles on the front porch... what little kid wouldn't love this! They didn't like it as much with me there! By Wednesday, Wyatt was falling to pieces and not being himself. He was hitting, spitting, pushing, picking on McKinley, the list goes on and on! It was even driving Mimi nuts and it takes A LOT to do that! Wyatt's week didn't improve so Todd and I decided he needed a little one on one time Saturday afternoon. He was much better Sunday! 

Sunday, both woke up with runny noses, not sure where this came from, but it was here and it only got worse. Monday they seemed okay, McKinley stayed at the lake to make our Tuesday morning departure alittle faster and Nana put Wyatt to bed. Wyatt woke up at 11:45 crying, I went in, kissed him goodnight and went back to bed. At 1:30 he was crying again, went in, tried to calm him down and went back to bed. He continued to cry and I sent Todd in. This continued for sometime until I went in and laid with him. He told me his ear hurt so I gave him some Motrin and laid there until he feel asleep. I could tell that he was uncomfortable and in pain and I felt so bad for him. He finally got some rest and we the next morning we headed to the lake to grab my parents and head to Atlanta...... to see the WIGGLES!!

The car ride went smooth and so did our quick adventure to the mall until M started to burn up and fall asleep. She slept for 15 minutes here, 20 minutes there and then for another hour and a half at the hotel. We all tried to eat a little something before the show when all of a sudden, M starts coughing, followed by throwing up all over my dad. With cat like reflexes we had her in the corner of the restaurant throwing up (I was trying to keep it nice for the other patrons). She started crying and my dad removed her from the scene of the crime and showered her off in the room. I was so very thankful that we didn't go out to eat but decided to stay at the hotel. She was resting with papa, actually she ended up crashing on his shoulder and Wyatt was bouncing off the walls with excitement! Long story short, M ended up feeling better and was able to see some of the wiggles show. She loved it more than Wyatt did. Wyatt loved the show up until they started collecting Roses for Dorthy. He couldn't understand why they weren't coming up and giving him a rose! Poor kid:(. He just wanted the Wiggles to talk to him. We left the show 5 minutes early and headed back to the hotel. Since it had been a long day, we decided to throw out the idea of eating good and went to get cheesecake from the CheeseCake Factory! So yummy and worth every.single.calorie! McKinley slept great, all night long and even later than she normally does. Wyatt, not so much! He didn't get to sleep until 10 and woke up at 5:50. He also feel off the bed in the middle of the night and we had to deal with the clock's alarm going off TWICE at 4:30 in the morning! Somehow I managed to keep him quiet until 7, he sat in the bed and played with my ipad for the entire hour. He was happy as he could be and even quiet. It's hard having all four of us in one room. He then played on the floor for another 30 minutes while McKinley and Todd continued to sleep. Once 7:30 hit, Wyatt was restless and wanted out of the hotel, I can't blame him. We managed to all get up, packed and out the door by 8:15. Mom and I were headed to try BLAST 900, a new workout facility in Atlanta and Papa and Todd were headed to take the kids to breakfast and then the kids museum.

Let me sum up the rest of the day.....
*BLAST 900- the best workout class I have ever taken! Check it out online!
*Made a quick stop at our favorite store- lululemon and picked up the cutest new running outfit!
*Checked out flywheel a spin studio- LOVE IT!!! Check it out online!
*Took two cranky, sick kids to the mall to eat lunch before we left. I wanted to make a stop or two in the mall but they feel to pieces fast and we had to get on the road. We were that crazy family at the food court. Wyatt was restless and McKinley wouldn't stop crying!
*Had a quiet car ride home (I was so surprised!) and ended up at the doctor.
*Discovered they both had very bad ear infections.
*Went to eat while we waited on prescription.
*Kids went crazy in Target!
*Kids went straight to bed
*McKinley was awake crying from 3:20-5:00am

It's been rough. Sometimes I feel like my kids are spinning out of control. I know this is a phase, a small stage that we must go through. I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel! 


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