Back to Grace we go

School has started back!!! Love this time of year! It means fall, routines, over sized backpacks on top of a crisp new shirt, making lunches, and really good naps! It really is the best. This year McKinley got to join in on all the back to school fun. Thanks to Mimi and Papa she has a cute little vera bradley backpack and lunch box, princess cold pack, and a few new items hanging in her closet waiting for school days! THANK YOU MIMI AND PAPA! Does anyone want to guess what kind of backpack Wyatt got? If you guessed batman, you would be correct! Lunch box, backpack and ice pack are all batman! This kids loves batman.

Wyatt is in 3K this year. It seems a little more structured that last year and there are more kids in  his class. He was a little hesitate to go in at first but after I pointing out some of his friends, he left my side and started playing. I only thought about crying when he wouldn't let go of me and panic struck his face. He clung to me and I could feel the tears starting to come. He went to summer MDO and goes to Celestes house but for whatever reason the first day of a new class, ALWAYS gets me. Monday he stayed on the green light all day and had a great first day of school. He even took a great nap.

Tuesday morning, we were lucky because daddy wanted to go with us and he even took us to IHOP before school! McKinley wore a cute little red and white dress and had a cute sail boat bow. She looked like a big girl. Once we were at school, she did not want to let go of her backpack. When we tried to take it off in her class, she screamed and push the teacher away. She held onto it and drug it around until we left. They said she had a great day, even though she cried a few tears when we left. They both came home and took GREAT naps! To bad I didn't get to sit at home and enjoy it with them! It was back to the office for me.

It is amazing how fast time flies. I am cherishing these moments.


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