Mother's Day Thoughts

I love being a mom. I love waking up to see my precious boy smiling and playing in his crib. I have always wanted to be a mother and it truly is the greatest joy I have ever experienced. It is the toughest yet most rewarding job! I know lots of great mothers and so this post is for you! This is to thank all the women who give up a little of themselves each day to make the lives of their children better. Now that I am a mom I have a much greater respect for my own mother. I have learned a lot from becoming a mother, some from my own experience, some from my friends, and some from my own mother and other family members. I have also come to understand A LOT about having children...

1. No matter how good your child is... there will be days when they just don't want to behave! They don't want to nap, be held, play alone, be let down, they just don't know what they want! This is when PATIENCE comes in.

2. An outfit (that fits) should be with you at all times (you can even keep it in your car) because your child will have an accident the day you decide you don't need that outfit!

3. Once you become a mom (for me it started when pregnant) you will NEVER sleep the same again. Your child may not wake up in the middle of the night but you will. You will indistinctly wake up to check the monitor, make sure your child is still breathing, check the temperature of the room, etc. When your pregnant you just can't sleep!

4. It might not get done! The laundry, the dishes, a SHOWER, picking up the toys, and anything else that might have been on the "to do" list. You have to face the fact that it might not get done! You will have those days!

5. You will end up with POOP on your hands! Yes, I get it GROSS! If you are a mom and deny this.... you are really good at what you do or your lying! Come on just fess up... we have all changed those REALLY bad diapers. The ones where it's just easier to put the kid in the tub or hose him off in the sink! It will end up on your hand at one point or another.

6. If you have a boy, you will also get peed on! I don't care how hard you try to cover it up or how fast you can put a new one on, it will happen!

7. You will be "that" mom at a restaurant. Like I said in the beginning, I don't care how good your child is, at some point, you will be that mom! The one that everyone glares at and wishes you would just take the child out or give in to whatever he/she wants. Stand your ground, they will be that mom someday!

8. So much for a NICE Purse! With everything you have to carry, you need to throw in a wallet and go!

9. Your favorite sound in the world becomes your babies laughter!

10. You will wake up at 7, not just because you have to but because that smiling face and a big hug await you.

11. Your favorite moments of the day become simple ones! The ones that steel your heart and bring a smile to your face. The ones that you wish you could hold onto.

I might think of some more tomorrow but that's all I got for now! This is a tough job, by no means is it always glamorous but its VERY rewarding!


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