9 months

9 months…
I can’t believe that my little monkey (that’s my nickname for him because he is a) my little chunky monkey and b) he likes to scream like one.) is 9 months old!!! I just can’t believe it! I love it and hate it all at the same time. I love this age! He has the cutest personality. Here is what Wyatt is up to these days….
• Crawling… most of the time it’s still the army crawl but on occasion he gets up on his knees.
• Pulling up on EVERYTHING… we have moved the crib yet again to the lowest setting and now he has found joy in reaching for the video monitor that sits on top of his crib.
• Working on the word “No”! He doesn’t like it but then again who really does? If he does something and I say “NO”, he looks at me and then most of the time turns around and does it anyway. I say it again and he will stop or I drag him away. We are working on it.
• Waving- not always at the right time but he is getting better.
• Napping like a pro!!! Wyatt has always been a pretty good sleeper but I got into a bad habit of rocking and singing him to sleep for his naptime. I just loved holding him! Over the last month though he has become a great little sleeper. Most days I change his diaper, read him two stories and put him in the crib around 9:15 and he plays until about 9:45 then goes to sleep until 11:30. Then after his bottle at 2, I put him in the crib and he goes to sleep for about two hours. Then he goes to sleep around 8:30 until 7! I love it! Now of course we have days when napping is not as great but for the most part he’s a pro.
• No new words, he just continues to work on “bababa” and “mamama” oh, and he likes to scream for no reason!
• He loves giving hugs but his favorite person to hug is his Papa and Daddy. When he has his papa no one else matters.
• He is still a great little eater and I am starting to give him more than just baby food, but with no teeth, that’s a little hard.
I know that his birthday will be here before I know it and for now I am just going to enjoy this stage in his life. I love our snuggle time after naps (now that he is on the move the last thing he wants is to be held, so I cherish our 20 minutes right after I get him out of the crib) and watching him explore and learn new things everyday. I love seeing him splash in the water and crawl all over the house. I just love him!

Pictures to come soon....


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