More sleep....

So last week Wyatt was having some sleeping issues and this week (so far) he's a brand new little man. Let me start by filling you in on our weekend.

Saturday Wyatt and I loaded up the car (note to self: before having another baby, need a bigger car) and we drove to Atlanta to meet Todd. Somehow we made room in my little car for Todd to join us and he drove us to Birmingham, AL to see his sister and her 3 week old little girl. Wyatt was a trooper, he did great in the car and even though we kept him up past bedtime, he did great. We stayed at an Embassy Suites, and for all of those who have kids let me just say that is the BEST hotel! We set him up in the first room, closed the blinds and shut the door and had the second room to ourselves. Put him down at 7:30 (8:30 GA time) and he slept until 8:40 (9:40 GA time) WHAT!!!! I couldn't believe it. I heard him once at 5 but left him and he went back down. I heard him again at 6 but he went back down! Now, he only did this one night. The next morning he woke up at 7:30 but that's better than 5 and then 6 and then 7! The drive home was a mess, it rained and rained and I hate driving in the rain. We made it home though and Wyatt did great last night. I heard him at 5 but he didn't cry and he went back down. He is sound asleep now and I am hoping that he will have another great night!

Todd is back for GOOD! No more trips to Atlanta. It is so nice to have him home. To have help once again! He is a great dad!


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