Mother's Day

Yesterday was my first official Mother's Day and it was GREAT!! Really GREAT!

My started by glancing at the monitor around 6:45 and realizing that my little man was starting to wake up. My wonderful husband realized this as well and jumped out of bed allowing me to sleep in. I didn't really sleep in, but I took full advantage of doing what I used to love to do on Sunday mornings before baby, lay in bed! I just laid in bed and enjoyed the breakfast of champs (a piece of the cookie cake Todd bought me) and watched part of a movie. Then I took a nice shower, got ready for church and did not worry about Wyatt. When he finally woke from his nap, I went to get him ready for church and Wyatt had placed a card on the edge of his crib (okay, he might have had help from daddy!). After enjoying church with Wyatt in the nursery, we had a great meal at P.F Chang's and then walked around the mall, then on the River, and then just drove around and looked at houses while Wyatt took an afternoon nap. No we are not looking to buy a house, we just like looking! Then we had a nice relaxing night at home. It was a perfect day with the family! To end this perfect day my wonderful husband surprised me with three more cards and an ipad! I was so excited!! I love new gadgets and had been wanting that one. I can't wait for it to come in and to play with it!

Hope all you mothers had a great Mother's Day!


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