Zero to Two?

I don't know what happened! I can't understand why all of a sudden my son turns 8 months old and not longer wants to sleep through the night like he has been doing since about 3 1/2 months! My little man used to be a very good night sleeper. I always counted myself lucky, I could lay him down and he would roll around the crib, yet still stay asleep and wake happy as could be around 7:15. The night before last he woke up at 4:45 and did not want to go back to sleep. I would get him so close, lay him down and eyes would open, tears would start. We played this game until 5:30 and then I'll be honest I gave in! He woke up cuddled in my arms. Last night, he woke up at 11:30 and again at 5:00. At 11:30 I went in and rocked him. I also added a night light in his room hoping this would help. When I heard him at 5:00, I rolled over, glanced at the monitor to make sure he was okay and rolled the other way! I stayed strong and did not go in to help him get back to sleep. He must have put himself to sleep because I didn't hear him again until 6:45. I am going to continue to stay strong on this because he has to learn to put himself to sleep. He used to be able to do this but then we got into a bad habit, rocking! I love it but I think he will sleep better when he learns to do this. I am also trying it at nap time and hoping this might equal a longer nap! Its a work in progress. Any suggestions please leave me a comment! I need to get him to take a good nap!!!!


  1. It's hard, but I think you're doing the right thing. We have had to do the same with Hampton several nights. Could he be going through a growth spurt? The only other thing I would suggest is maybe a little more formula at bedtime. That might help. Good luck!


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