8 months old

Happy 8 Months!
My little man is 8 months old today! Where does the time go? I think that is the question all mothers ask. I was looking back at his newborn pictures and remembering what it was like to have a newborn in my life. I loved every minute of it! That being said I am REALLY loving this stage that he is in. I mean LOVING it. Every time you get used to one stage though and you think that it is all figured out, it changes and you have to start all over again! He is growing like a weed… a very cute one.

Sleep: As far as sleeping goes…. We have been truly blessed! Wyatt has been sleeping through the night since about 3 ½ months and he still continues to do that. He goes down at about 8:30 and will sleep until 6:45/7:15. When he wakes up, he will play quietly until around 7:30/7:45 when I go in to get him. Sometimes he will put himself back to sleep! Naps are another story! He takes a morning nap from about 10 until 11:20, then if we are out he may cat nap around 2:30 but if we are at home he sleeps from 2:30 until around 4:00. If we are out and he does the catnap he takes another nap around 4:30 until around 5:00. When we road trip, he just falls asleep when he is tired. So he isn’t a bad nap taker but he isn’t great! In the mornings I read him a book with his favorite animal then lay him down and he is out. In the afternoon it can take a little longer. I can’t complain though because I love the cuddle time. Nighttime has become very easy, bath, bottle, rock to say our prayers and he is out! The thing I love is that even if he doesn’t take a good nap, he will play in his crib (up to an hour) its nice to have a little quiet time.

Chow time: Around 8/12/4/ and 8 I attempt to give him 8 oz of formula. I say attempt because some days he wants it all and some days he doesn’t want anything to do with it. The last couple of nights he hasn’t even wanted his last bottle at 8! He is great at eating solid foods. He loves my creations and really loves Beechnut and this new food we have discovered Plum Baby. His favorite for breakfast is Beechnut cinnamon raisin granola. He can’t get enough of it.

On the Move: Wyatt is doing what I like to call the army crawl. He can get whatever he wants now and pretty fast. I don’t think it will be long before he is really up and crawling.
Fun little memories: He is clapping, dancing when you hold him, giving kisses, giving hugs, and attempting to say a couple of things…..
Babababa/mmmuma/and just recently trying to say papapa. His favorite is the first one.


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