Let's play catch up....

Lets just call it a month since my last blog.... I am so sorry! With Todd still taking care of business in Atlanta and me being on my own the day seems to just fly by and when it is finally quiet I pick going to bed over blogging. Lets just get to it, a lot went on in the month of April!

Masters Week/Spring Break Senior Trip: Don't get me wrong, I love going to the Masters. I love what it brings to Augusta but I also like to escape during that week. Growing up, thats just what we did, we got out of here! So this year was no different. Wyatt and I decided to tag along and go to the beach for my brothers senior trip. My mom, two brothers, their girlfriends, Wyatt, 20 something 18 year olds and myself all went to spend 6 days on Daufuskie Island, South Carolina. It brought back some memories of my own senior trip and it got alittle crazy, but all in all it was a great time. Wyatt enjoyed going to the beach the first time (mommy did not, I am not a big fan of the sand) and it was very relaxing if you can believe it or not. it was also a great week of learning for Wyatt!

Todd comes home for 6 days:
: This was great!!! Todd came home and it was so nice to have a break and have alittle help around the house. Nancy was also in town for a visit and it was nice to have her help as well!

April has flown by and soon my little boy will be 8 months old! I have added some pictures from the beach and one from his 7 month pics. Late I know!!


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