A Squirrel...Really?

That's right folks, I ended my day with a dead squirrel on my back porch. After getting Wyatt's bowl off the table and licking it clean, and chewing up two pacifiers (BRAND new ones), Coby decided that my long day wasn't complete without trying to bring a dead squirrel into my house. My not so clean house because of two dogs, the rain, and the fact that my housekeeper quite (via text)! My day went off track long before the squirrel though! Let me start by saying that Wyatt has never really been a very scheduled sleeper. He has always taken a morning, afternoon and early evening nap, the times are just never the same. The child sleeps when he is tired and I have never had a problem with that. Even when he doesn't go to sleep he at least has some down time and that is always nice to have! Well this week (since he hit 8 months) he hasn't wanted to take more than an hour nap in the morning and maybe a cat nap if I go somewhere and that's a BIG maybe, and in the early evening (around 4) its a NIGHTMARE!!! I know that some of you might be thinking he is to old for 3 naps and that's why he is a nightmare but in order to keep him up until bedtime he has to have a nap!!! Even if its a 30 minute nap, he has to have one! He doesn't cry in the crib, he just doesn't sleep! He plays and plays and plays. So I have done some thinking and decided to try a new schedule.

8 a- 8 oz bottle
9 am- breakfast
10am- nap
12pm- lunch
1:30/2:00- 8 oz bottle
3:00 nap
6:00 dinner
8:00 8 oz bottle

I am dropping a bottle because he doesn't really drink a whole one at lunch time. So I am hoping that by dropping the 4 feeding that he will take a nap at that time. Instead of the 2pm nap take a longer 3:00 nap. I am hoping that this works!!! Maybe I am trying to force him to sleep when he is not tired or maybe he is teething and just doesn't feel good. Who knows! All I know is that I am SO THANKFUL Todd will be home for good Saturday!! It will be very nice to have an extra set of hands. I am also thankful that he is sound asleep right now and even though he isn't always a great nap taker, he is almost always a great night sleeper. I thank God for that everyday!

So my long day of picking up a dirty house, dealing with a cranky baby, and picking up a dead squirrel is now over. If anyone has any other great schedule ideas I would love to hear them!!


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