Rough Weekend

I'm going to be honest..... Today is the FIRST DAY I finally woke up and felt normal! I got ready without having to take a break, I was actually hungry for lunch, I am no longer walking at a snail’s pace and I just all around feel better. Let me just say this is a relief this past weekend was rough for me and I am not sure how I made it.

Friday, seemed to be fine. I got cleared for soft food, ate some chicken salad, all was right with the world until bed time when I was hit with the worst stomach pain! We were leaving for an overnight trip to Atlanta in the morning so I did all that I could do that night to prepare and made it to bed as quick as I could and found some relief in just laying down. The next morning I felt a little better, it took me forever and a year to get ready because I was completely drained of energy but we got packed and made it out the door. I also managed to get half a McDonald's oatmeal down over the course of an hour which was pretty good and helped me to have some energy. I decided to stay away from "soft" food for lunch and picked some chicken noodle soup before we went to a birthday party, trying to think ahead not knowing what would be offered at a one year old birthday party. The day was beyond beautiful and I took it easy and sat and enjoyed catching up with Todd's sisters and family that we don't often get to see.

This is where the day takes a little bit of a turn....with spring around the corner and a Disney cruise a little over two weeks away these children that are growing like weeds needed a few new articles of clothing. So we decided to make a trip to the mall. Normally I am shop until you drop! However, when running low on calories this is not possible! We made it to try shoes on, Hanna Andersson and then I had all I could stand. I was fading fast and there was no food in sight. We ended up in the food court, not my husband’s favorite, and there were three maybe four options. None of the options served anything that I could eat however I did not have the energy to go to the car, because at this point I was literally moving at a hunched over turtles pace. So I decided on a chicken and rice bowl at Moe's and Todd's advice... "Chew it up really good!"

I ate all I could eat before I knew this was going to be a big mistake! We didn't make it back to the hotel before I felt awful! I laid in the bed and let McKinley pretend to be the grownup and put to bed, which made her the happiest girl in the world!

The next day we ate first, SOUP of course and then headed for some more shopping but I was still feeling so awful. We did what we had to do and then headed home. I defiantly think I tried to overdo it this past weekend and paid the price for it. Monday I still didn't feel great, very week and only wanting to eat soup.

Today though I am full of more energy and actually managed to eat more soft food today than I have any other day! So since I am putting this all out there... I figured I would also put my progress out there as well....


March 7th Week One: 185.4

March 15th Week Two: 178.6


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