3/4 a cup (Day 5)

Five days in and I am doing MUCH better than I thought I would be!! The doctor I met with in Charleston and Dr. Blaney had prepared me for the worst, endless nausea, vomiting, cramping, etc for at least 3-5 days maybe more. I went in knowing that could be what awaited me. So far, the only thing I have found is I have nausea, a little reflux and I am very weak because I can not eat more than about 3/4 a cup at a time. So for the last 5 days I have been on an all liquid diet and it hasn't consisted of much. Dr. Blaney also did a great job of prescribing medications that would help with all the symptoms I might have, and I am taking the medications around the clock to make sure they don't hit. 

Someone asked if I could tell the balloon is there…. YES! I would say its not in a bad way though. I feel very full all the time. The feeling you get when you have eaten to much at Thanksgiving and you immediately regret it but its to late. The kind of overeating that makes it hard to take a deep breathe. That's how I feel. Went for my 1st check up today and he was happy with the progress I am making so I have now been cleared for SOFT foods! I am so happy to hear that! It will be trial and error to see how much I can take and what I can eat but I am happy that I can eat something other than soup and protein drinks.  

I have to give a huge shout out to my Husband who has really been there for me. He even woke up in the middle of the night to make sure I was taking the medication when I was supposed to. He has been so supportive with this and I could not ask for a better man! Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and kinds words! The encouragement has meant so much to me! I will keep posting and keep you updated. 


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