2 week update

It has officially been two weeks and I am excited to say that I have officially lost 10 pounds! I am beyond excited about that! 10 pounds may not seem like a lot to some but it feels wonderful.

I am also starting to feel better and slowly start to eat more than chicken salad and soup, which as much as I love my mother's chicken salad has been nice. Discovered that my feeling constantly bloated might have been one of the medications I was on, so after stopping that I am starting to feel a little better there too.

I will say I never feel truly hungry. I have to remind myself that I need to eat. Smaller meals and Sip on water throughout the day instead of trying to catch up on the water I missed by chugging it at night. I was always bad at getting enough water!

This is a quick update but wanted to let everyone know that I am doing great and thank everyone for their kind words and prayers!


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