3 Week Update

I am a few days late posting this thanks to a little bug that hit my house known as the flu. Poor Wyatt started feeling bad late Friday night and come Sunday he was diagnosed with the flu. It came out of know where and as of yesterday I heard half of his class was out of school. He has made a great recovery and today he is finally back at school and I am back at work. We are praying that no one else gets it since our Disney cruise is less than a week away.

This weekend was a little harder than most. Cookies, Candies, Cookie Cake, Brownies, Drinks for Natalie's Lingerie party/ Girls Night out, Lunch at West Lake for Easter and on and on. However I will say that for all of you thinking that this Weight Loss Procedure was the easy way out, it was not. I am still very tempted by these things however now even though I may be tempted I definitely can not eat them because if I do, I will get sick. To much in this stomach now does not just mean the scales will not be my friend but I will later pay the price with an awful stomach ache. Thankfully I am committed to this so I did not have to big a problem this weekend. I had a small piece of this, a little bite of that and I managed to make it through the weekend.

I am still adjusting but feeling wonderful and the greatest thing of all was going through clothes this weekend. I got rid of a bunch of jeans that are to big and tried on a swimsuit that hasn't fit in a while. It was a true WIN!!!


March 7th Week One: 185.4

March 15th Week Two: 178.6

March 30th Week Three: 172.6 Total so far is 12.8 lbs lost


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