Let's play catch up

Wyatt is 3 and McKinley is almost 18 months. Life is going at full speed and we are trying to soak up every minute. MDO and Pre-School are in full swing and we are all trying to get used to me working more.

August started out a little rough, everyone being sick, school starting, new routines.... it was pure craziness!

September is now gone, and October is upon us and we are FINALLY starting to feel better. Last week we did have to go back to the doctor's office and what do we have.....

Wyatt with another ear infection/blood work to test for allergies/and a shot!
McKinley is over her last ear infection- thank goodness because she has had 3 in the last 2 months/and a shot.

We celebrated the end of the doctors appointment with pancakes at ihop! Hoping to have his allergy test results by Monday! Friday, I took off work to take the kids to a playdate at the park and then we took them to a movie. Friday ended with dinner at Sheehans and scrapbook night at the church. The perfect ending to a great week.


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