
Yes, Todd and I have Bronchitis. I have been coughing for about 3 weeks and finally decided it was time to go to the doctor. I feel like my family has been sick for the past month! I am SO READY to feel better, for all of us to feel better.

The kids have been coughing too, it started in Montana and then continued this week. So I thought it wise to go to back to their doctor. Turns out Wyatt has bad allergies (we think) and McKinley is about to have her third ear infection in 4 weeks! GREAT! We are going on a third antibiotic for McKinley and Wyatt is going to be tested for allergies in two weeks. So in the meantime, we have to deal with runny noses and McKinley also has a watery eyes. Yuck, but part of life. I just hate that they feel bad.

The GOOD NEWS.....

They are both still sleeping in until 7 or later each morning. One morning they slept until 7:45am! Of course, that was the morning I had to be ready and out the door by 7:30.

The BAD NEWS.....

I was supposed to be running in a half marathon in Nashville next Saturday, guess what, not gonna happen! I hate it, I mean I really hate it. The past three weeks have just been hard. I haven't been able to run with this awful cough and cold. This has made training impossible! I am going to go to the race and if I feel good, I am going to at least attempt to walk it! We shall see! Once I am feeling better, training for Kiawah officially starts!

Our life is marching on, coughs and running noses are just a part of it!


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