A complete 360

Wyatt has been wonderful this week! Y'all he is a completely different child!!! Not. Kidding. He is saying thank you, your welcome, yes mam, no mam, yes sir, no sir and on and on. He is less moody and even hitting less. I say less because he is still a 2 year old and he is still hitting, testing limits, etc. He still ends up in timeout at some point during the day but isn't spending his entire day there. He is really a new man. His vocabulary has also expanded!

*What's your name
*That would be cool
*Oh, no! Not again! (The baby kept dropping her spoon and he would say, "It's okay, I get it." Then she did it again!)
*Wait a minute guys.
*No do that daddy, don't say no to me.

He busts out with the funniest things! He is really cracking us up. He is also swimming like a champ. He can hold his breathe for the longest time and has no fear! He just goes in and swims to the nearest person. He is also jumping off the side of the pool. Maybe this is why he is sleeping so well! Yes, the new clock and the new bed here at the beach, plus all the swimming as made for one great sleeper! He is going to bed very easily and sleeping until 6:20 or so and then he stays in bed until his clock glows green, we set the time for 6:30 right now until he gets used to it. He will stay quietly in the bed until it turns on and then he gets out and says, "Mommy, daddy look! It's green! I go to mommies bed!" then we hear his little feet and our door open. He is so excited about it! He is also making it all through the night without crying out in the middle of the night to get lambie or be covered up. I am feeling well rested!! He has been so much fun to be around this week and has made great progress!


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