Thank you facebook

I love facebook for many reasons, but today I'm loving it because I can look back and remember exactly what I was doing a year ago today. A year ago today, I was going to get pre-op work done because I had forgotten all about it, I was packing last minute things to take Wyatt to stay with Nana, I enjoyed Miyabis, dropped off a paper to my wonderful friend Kristie, and I cried like a baby when I had to say goodbye to Wyatt for the night. I am looking at McKinley at this very minute and I am sad that she is getting bigger and tomorrow will no longer be a little baby. I think it's harder this time because we are 90% sure that she is our last. There will be no more firsts to experience in the first year of a child's life and that is bitter sweet. I love looking back and having those sweet memories.

Tomorrow might be hard day too!


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