McKinley 12 Months Old

I honestly can't believe it's been a year since our sweet little girl was born. It really did fly by this time! She is up to A LOT and has developed her own little personality and her own little attitude!

SLEEP: She is a good sleeper, I won't say great because for about 2 weeks she went through a phase of waking up at 5 wanting to eat! I gave in and then she finally settled back into her old routine, most days look like this....
7:00am: wake up
9:00ish: lay down for nap- sleeps about an hour
1:30/2:00: lay down for nap- sleeps about an 1.5-2 hours
7:15pm: lay down for bed

She still depends on a bottle before naps and bed, but doesn't have to be rocked, she normally goes to sleep on her own, which I love! She still loves her pink bunny blanket to sleep with.

CHOW TIME: We have a picky little girl on our hands and I do mean picky. She has a few favorites...
bread/pancakes/waffles/sweets (loves ice cream!!)/blueberries/yogurt/raspberries/strawberries/avocado/green beans/lima beans
If she isn't hungry or doesn't like it, she won't try it! She is also not a fan of whole milk and is having a hard time giving up the bottle and the formula. Doctor said it was okay for us to use bottle for another month. We have dropped 2 bottles and recently I have started giving her some formula in a sippy cup instead of a bottle. With Wyatt I went right to a straw cup but we may have to do sippy and straw with McKinley for awhile. I'm not pushing yet. Her mood shifts VERY quickly though and that's when you know she wants a bottle.

*loves watching the wiggles- She watches maybe one episode in the morning while we get ready and one in the afternoon.

*Full of smiles! Nickname is smiley!

*Crawling all over the place. She is into lots!

*Got a purse for her birthday and is in love with it! She also likes to play with all her brothers toys, especially his hat! When it falls off she puts it right back on.

*Has started to cry and scream when she doesn't get her way or when you tell her no. She is very tender hearted and hard headed.

*Has started to blow kisses/give high fives/wave bye-bye more often

*Nothing new in terms of vocabulary. She is saying bye-bye/mama/dada/baby and just babbling all the time. So cute!


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