
Showing posts from May, 2011

"Yes mom you FINALLY get what I'm saying!"

Tonight we went to French Market West for crab leg night (yummy!) and after listening to Wyatt scream, "men,men,men" over and over in the car I didn't have high hopes for a quiet dinner! Normally he is great in the car, but this afternoon all he wanted were his little men which he kept throwing on the floor, to listen to "baby" which I didn't have in the car, or to hear "we're off to see the wizard" over and over which I refused to do! So he screamed, cried, screamed some more until we parked the car and I handed him to daddy . Let's just say that he hasn't learned patience yet! He will ask or scream for the same thing a million times until you give it to him or distract him. Once we sat down he began to start asking for "duga". Todd and I both had NO idea what he wanted. He kept pointing at my bag and saying it over and over again. Finally I just said, "sticker?" and he threw his hands in the air and smiled, like s...

Finally starting to heal

I am feeling much better!! Maybe it's the 7 hour stretches she has done two nights in a row or maybe it's being able to hold Wyatt without the fear of hurting myself, whatever it is... I like it! I like the sleep, the hour to myself I now get at night(on most nights), Wyatt not throwing as many tantrums, not crying over silly random things and life just getting back to normal, our new normal. Sure we are still dealing with reflux issues, wyatts love for screaming and I still get sore from time to time but it's getting better everyday. Emotionally and physically it was harder this go round but I wouldn't change it for the world! I feel incredibly blessed! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Swim diapers DO hold poop

If you have ever wondered how well a swim diaper actually holds poop, I can now tell you (and trust me I wish I couldn't)! I need to back up a little though and tell you about our week so far! I soaked up the weekend, because I knew that come Monday it was just going to be the three of us. I will be very honest, Monday was the first day that I was completley on my OWN, from the time they rise until the time they go to bed. No MDO, no Vivienne's house, no midafternoon visit from Mimi and Papa, and no daddy at 5:30! I have been very spoiled! I was SO tired on Monday morning. McKinley woke up at 2 and then again at 5:30. I don't like the 5:30 wake ups because I know that by time I nurse her and put her back down, its time for Wyatt to be getting up. At 6:30 the whole house was awake! We had a great morning, nice play date at Carters, lunch with daddy and then a wonderful nap for both babies. After naps we went out to play in the baby pool and water table and this is where the ...

one month pics


McKinley One Month

One Month: Our sweet baby girl is one month old and this makes me very sad! Time truly does fly by when you have kids. I would like it to slow down just a little! We feel so blessed to have her in our lives. When people ask, “are you done?”. We honestly can’t decide because we are so in love with our sweet boy and now our girl, we can’t imagine it any other way. We feel so blessed to have two, healthy, good children! We will see though….. Sleep/nursing: this is one that EVERY SINGLE person asks us about so here is, her day normally looks something like this…. She will wake up to nurse then stay awake for about an hour. Then she will sleep while we all get ready for the day. Then I will nurse her again; we normally run errands or have to take Wyatt to school or Vivienne’s so she will fall asleep in the car. When she wakes (sometimes she will sleep 3 or 4 hours!) Then she will normally fall back asleep and when she wakes I will nurse again. She pretty much sleeps or eats until we get hom...

I'm pretty sure it's his favorite place

At this age it's cooler than a trip to the beach and more fun than Disney.... It's a trip to Mimi and Papa's (and trust me, it's equally as fun to me!) A place where messes can me made, couches turn into forts and there is ALWAYS an audience to entertain (he loves people clapping for him) and he always gets their full attention no matter what they had going on before he arrived! Where slides and a very large pool can be blown up in minutes and papa never seems to mind the task of taking it down! Sleepovers are ALWAYS welcome, even though he is an early riser and they are normally late sleepers. Yummy snacks can always be found and Mimi will cook whatever his little heart desires! Beds where made to be jumped on and bath time is loads more fun!! There are plenty of toys (new and old, even vintage) to be found. And memories are made! He spent the night Wednesday and then all day Thursday, cried so hard leaving Thursday begging to stay, that after a fun filled day Friday, ...

In the perfect place

I need to make this quick, because I know that in a couple of hours a sweet little girl will be waking to eat and I need to get some sleep, but I WANT to get back to blogging so here it goes...... Today was the last day of our vacation (trip to Nana's- more to come about that later) and I will admit is was a ROUGH start! Wyatt woke up at 6:15 chatting away and so we all decided to get up, shower and go to breakfast together. Due to the fact that we both had to shower, this was not a quick process. First I pumped while McKinley was sleeping, then left Todd in charge of watching Wyatt while I got in the shower. I made it through a nice shower, McKinley continued to sleep, and I was even able to get dressed and brush my teeth before the little one woke to eat. I heated a bottle, let Todd jump in the shower and tried to occupy Wyatt. This is when I miss my playroom and some of the comforts of being in your own home. I hate to say it but we went for TV entertainment! We watched the anim...

Wyatt is 20 months

20 months So I missed bogging about 19 months but to be honest, with the baby arriving and school ending and having family help take care of him it was just a huge whirlwind! We are trying to get back on track though! Since the baby came and 20 months hit, it has been hard! Lets just say that we all look forward to nap time and bedtime! He doesn’t like to walk anywhere, he only wants to be held, he likes to scream and hit and throw things! Oh and when he doesn’t get his way he likes to sit on the ground, sometimes lay, and just not get up! I must say that we have hit the terrible twos! However, on occasion he lets us see the sweet little boy we all know and love….. At 20 months here is what my sweet (80% of the time) boy is up to….. Sleep: Still great naps from about 1 until 3 on most days. Bed time- still goes down very easy, sleeps with his little lambie and sometimes his buzz! Goes down about 7:30/8 and sleeps until 6:30/7! We need to work on this! I would love to see him sleep unt...

One good followed by a bad

Last night she slept 6 hours straight! Woke to nurse and went right back down for another 4! Tonight, slept for 2.5, up to nurse then went right back down and slept for 3 hours and has now been up for an hour and a half! She won't go to sleep!!! I've nursed, changed, rocked, swaddled, nursed again, changed, laid her down thinking she was asleep, nursed again and still no sleep! What happened to the 6 straight hours? - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

What's up with my 20 month old?

So... I need to blog about Wyatt at 20 months( we missed 19!!), our first weeks at home and a couple other things I've been thinking but tonight all I can think about is my sweet little first born who has gone a little crazy!! I'm not sure if it's the age or if it's due to the baby coming but I pray it passes soon! Screaming, hitting, laying on the ground crying, crying for really no reason that we can figure out, and did I mention the SCREAMING! This child has a great set of lungs! He is testing boundaries and on some days driving us crazy! Has anyone gone through the same thing? - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone