"Yes mom you FINALLY get what I'm saying!"

Tonight we went to French Market West for crab leg night (yummy!) and after listening to Wyatt scream, "men,men,men" over and over in the car I didn't have high hopes for a quiet dinner! Normally he is great in the car, but this afternoon all he wanted were his little men which he kept throwing on the floor, to listen to "baby" which I didn't have in the car, or to hear "we're off to see the wizard" over and over which I refused to do! So he screamed, cried, screamed some more until we parked the car and I handed him to daddy . Let's just say that he hasn't learned patience yet! He will ask or scream for the same thing a million times until you give it to him or distract him. Once we sat down he began to start asking for "duga". Todd and I both had NO idea what he wanted. He kept pointing at my bag and saying it over and over again. Finally I just said, "sticker?" and he threw his hands in the air and smiled, like s...