Swim Lessons, Straws and A tooth ache!

For the past two weeks Wyatt and I have been making our way down to the Wilson family Y to learn all about the water! After the first day of doing it solo, I realized I am not super mom and wanted some help! It's a good thing Wyatt has a few people in his life who want to come watch him, well watch his mommy sing "Wheels on the bus", "hokey pokey", and "row, row ,row the boat." My friend Kristen is great, some how she manages to get herself and her son Walker, in and out of the pool and then gets him changed before leaving. Why do I struggle with this? For one thing, Wyatt does not sit still! So if I sit him on the bench to take my cover up off, he would topple over and I am not putting him on the ground because he would go right for the pool! The dressing rooms are GROSS and there is always a VERY LONG wait to get one. Trying to get a swim diaper and swim diaper cover off of a wet, unhappy child is not an easy task standing up, an even harder one is putting a dry diaper on him! All this being said, YES I can do it alone! However, I like having the help and Wyatt loves the audience that stands on the side lines and claps and cheers his name. The swim lessons are great, a little silly but then again what isn't when its aimed at keeping the attention of a baby. We get in and sing a variety of tunes, teach him how to get in and out of the pool (with a little help), how to move around the edge of the pool while singing itsy bitsy spider, and of course ring around the Rosie ending in a nice underwater splash! It really is fun!

Two people are swearing they taught him this next littler parlor trick Wyatt has picked up, his Papa and Myself! I'm thinking it was a team effort! There is one more person I must thank for this because had it not been for her, we would not be doing this! My friend Laura taught her son to drink out of a straw at I believe 9 months. When I saw this I immediately wanted to know HOW DID YOU DO THAT!!! She shared her secret and her little honey bear! Wyatt is now using a straw, which means that whatever you are drinking he now wants and can get (like my starbucks).

I can also report that are little man has a little white tooth coming in!! Causing him to take shorter naps and throw us all off our little routine!


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