Zero to Two?
I don't know what happened! I can't understand why all of a sudden my son turns 8 months old and not longer wants to sleep through the night like he has been doing since about 3 1/2 months! My little man used to be a very good night sleeper. I always counted myself lucky, I could lay him down and he would roll around the crib, yet still stay asleep and wake happy as could be around 7:15. The night before last he woke up at 4:45 and did not want to go back to sleep. I would get him so close, lay him down and eyes would open, tears would start. We played this game until 5:30 and then I'll be honest I gave in! He woke up cuddled in my arms. Last night, he woke up at 11:30 and again at 5:00. At 11:30 I went in and rocked him. I also added a night light in his room hoping this would help. When I heard him at 5:00, I rolled over, glanced at the monitor to make sure he was okay and rolled the other way! I stayed strong and did not go in to help him get back to sleep. He must have ...