My new year, a new diet!

Ok, since i blog about everything else I figured I need to flog about my new diet. Maybe it will help keep me honest! Before getting pregnant I had gained weight and was not very happy with it. Before I could lose the weight I got pregnant! I gained 30 pounds with Wyatt and looking back I wish that I would not have gained that much but I'll try to remember that for next time. After Wyatt was born I dropped 25 lbs in the first month and a half. This may sound great but not so great for nursing. I got down to my pre-baby weight, then when Christmas came and we went to Hawaii I gained some weight. Not a lot but enough to still be unhappy. With summer coming I really want to get down to my goal weight! I want to loose about 25lbs! So I am trying a new diet. So far so good. Started on Tuesday March 2nd and have lost 6 lbs! I feel great!

I do not feel hungry though i must admit those cravings are still there. I still want bread and cookies and choclate. Cutting out startches and sugar is not an easy thing to do, those are two of my favorites. I know i can do it though, okay so I hope that I can do it! I'll keep ya posted!


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