6 Month checkup

My sweet boy is six months old and today was our well baby checkup. Turns out he is not a well-baby! He has an ear infection. Who knew? Not me! My baby goes to bed okay, wakes up happy, doesn't fuss unless tired or hungry, plays well... he is just a very happy baby. So when she told me that he had an ear infection I found that very hard to believe. He had a cold two weeks ago but I thought that everything had gone away, the cold had gone but left us with a lovely ear infection. After learning about this not so great ear infection, unfortunately i had to leave him with my parents to go to Atlanta. He is in good hands though.

6 Months and.....
17lbs and 9oz
28 inches long
eating rice cereal/oatmeal/apples/bananas/pears/peas/sweet potatoes/squash/peaches and blueberries
sleeping 8:30pm until 7 or 7:30am
two naps a day and a little cat nap
loves to play in his pack n play/on floor mat/in exersaucer
loves to be read to
bubble bath time while sucking on a wash cloth is a great way to end his day
laughs/coos/smiles all the time
is currently trying to sit up but has yet to master it
rolling, rolling, rolling

I believe that we will be getting a new car seat very soon considering at 30 inches he will have outgrown his carrier. This means no more naps in a restaurant! Soon he will be sitting with out falling over and then I know one day crawling. Oh where does the time go! I still remember bringing him home.


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