
Life has been a little crazy lately. With Todd being in Atlanta, I'm the sole caregiver of Wyatt and in charge of all the household duties which include our two little dogs! I was feeling a little down and then on Friday my spirits were lifted! My friend was nice enough to invite me to lunch and to a great consignment sale. I loved it! Actually getting up with a purpose, something to do! It was fun to have adult conversation and get to know people, such nice people. I am hoping to continue to get to know these great people and having something fun to look forward to. Along with walking away with 4 great deals from the consignment sale, I walked away with the confidence that I too could add another little one to our family. After seeing my friend take care of her two young children with such ease and patience, I am hopeful once again. Todd and I want more children, 2 or 3 more, not sure on that, but we want more and sometime soon. I have always been fearful though, would I be able to handle it? Would we forever be stuck in our house because getting out was just to hard? After watching her, I want to learn how she does it! She is one amazing mom!!! I mean amazing mom! (Today I passed by the maternity store (Atlanta has some great ones! I'll be honest, I wanted, to NEED to go in... if you get my drift! No, no I'm not but makes me want another one. Am I crazy? I'm thinking so! I'm open to thoughts on this one... to wait or not to wait.)

Saturday, my weekend continue to be great! Wyatt and Wilson had a play date, meaning that Amber and I had a lunch date. I put together a grilled chicken salad and the boys got to roll around on the floor together. They loved it! It really is nice to get to see friends again! I feel like I have been so consumed with things that I have neglected everyone! Later that evening, Aniela stopped by and helped me with wyatt while I packed up everything for my week in Atlanta and Wyatt's week with JenJen, Mimi and Papa!

Today was the best day though (could have been better if Wyatt was with us but we made the best of it). I drove to Atlanta and got to spend the whole day with Todd! We bought Wyatt a new car seat, walked around the mall, went to a movie and had a great steak!! Now I get to update my blog and go to sleep.....I'm lovin it!


  1. You are so sweet Nicole. You are a great mom yourself! Not everyone could handle what you're doing right now. Enjoyed Friday!


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