Attitude! Attitude!!

Today was a great day... except for eating the candy! I got a couple things done at home, sat with my dogs and watched a little t.v while Wyatt took a morning nap, made a trip to Target and baby store, went to see a movie with my brother and his girlfriend, got Wyatt home, put things away, did dishes, gave him a bath, fed him his bottle, and then he went right to sleep. he actually feel asleep while I was feeding him. This has been a habit latley and one that I know I will need to break. This evening two things happened that were not so great.... a fit was thrown by the always happy Wyatt and my dogs got a hold of one of his diapers and riped it to shreds on my living room floor (what fun to clean up!). Wyatt has thrown little tantrums before, crying when you leave the room and he wants to see you but they don't last long and they are few and far between. He loves sucking on a wash cloth in the bath or playing with a cup. Tonight I let him play with the cup, even after we got out of the bath I let him continue to play with it. When I took it away to put his arm in his pjs he started to fuss, I handed it right back when I was done and he was fine. When I finished dressing him and was about to put him in the sleep sack I took it away for good and this is when the tears started! Oh man did they come! He cried the cry he does when he is so sad, like you have broken his heart. Real tears even rolled down his cheeks. I finished getting him ready for bed and didn't let him get the cup again. He fussed all the way downstairs and finally got distracted by me making his bottle. I might also have to start breaking this habit of falling asleep right after drinking a bottle. For now though, he is sound asleep and in less than 20 minutes I hope to be doing the same.


  1. I know that cry (Wilson's). It breaks my heart just reading this!! :)


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