Shout out to all the single mommas!

For those of you who know and those of you who don't, my husband has spent the last month taking care of business in Atlanta. Living in Atlanta! He will be there until late April, early May and so I have become a SINGLE mom. Ok so technically I am not one but I have to say... that is what I feel like. So to all you single moms.... HATS off to YOU, don't know how you do it but you do!

I love being a stay at home mom (with a job I can do from my house) but even us stay at home moms look forward to 6 (when daddy gets home)! We look forward to a couple of minutes when we can just "check out", sit down and read, write, blog, watch some mindless television, finishing folding the clothes, or actually take a shower without worrying about a baby waking up or getting restless! Time other than nap time (cause we all know that nap time is also known as clean up time). My days lately have consisted of...
early wake up
diaper change
let dogs out/feed dogs/ wipe dogs off and bring them in
bottle time
play time
nap (long one if lucky-1 and a half)
clean up breakfast/play mess/laundry/shower
bottle time
play time
lunch for me
nap time (again hoping I get lucky with the length)
clean up/laundry/alittle work (that job I do from home)/ fold clothes and put away/dishwasher
bottle time
play/try to keep him awake/ eat my dinner
dinner for Wyatt
play/clean up dinner
bottle/ bed

So that is my crazy day! I love these days! There are great perks to being a stay at home mom, GREAT perks but what I miss is that part where Todd comes home! I miss that! I have also taken over what I once called "Daddy Duties", these being things like taking the trash to the street, dealing with our stupid diaper genie that has never worked right, putting together baby toys, playing in the yard with our dogs, cleaning off the porch, just lending an extra hand, and all the wonderful things that daddy does for the both of us. I don't want people to think that I am complaining, but I just needed to get this off my chest! February has been CRAZY! I'm learning to deal though!


  1. I can totally feel your pain. I've been doing it all for about two years while Luke was in Flight school in Florida and after six months home he was shipped off to Iraq for a year so now I don't even get the weekend visits every couple of weeks. That really sucks! These two kids of mine while wonderful are quite a burden on my patience while I'm also working and going back to school. But somehow we manage to do what we need to do for our families. Good luck to you and hope Todd makes it home to you sooner than later. If you need a friend, I'm always around. I'm in your shoes so I can definitely relate to what your going through.


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