What's cookin in the kitchen???

With all the crazy that is going on in our life, I do still have a five month old little boy who needs to eat... who likes to eat! At about 4 1/2 months we did the rice cereal. Then two weeks later tried some apples, then some other vegetables and fruits. He was never really a fan of anything other than rice cereal with apple juice! I know that many doctors and books say that adding the apple juice is not good but you know what Wyatt loves it and eats great! That's enough for me! So one day I threw a banana in a blender and served it up and he LOVED it! He ate it much better than he did the jarred baby food. The next day I bought a little book about baby food, storage containers, fruit and vegetables and got to work! So far he loves it! Pumpkin, Sweet potato's, banana and blueberry cereal, pears and apples. I love it that someone loves my cooking. I recommend make baby food to everyone! Not only does it save money, but they will love it and you know what is in your baby food! Well I gotta get in that kitchen and create something wonderful!

Yummy Blueberry Mix:
1/4 cup blueberries
1 tablespoon water
(put the above in saucepan until the fruit starts to burst open or about 2 minutes)
throw a banana and the blueberries in a blender and then add to some rice cereal!


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