My little Four/ Five month old (I was a slacker and never updated about his four month so its now just combined!)

Only sometimes do I catch a glimpse of the 8 pound little boy I took home about 5 months ago. It is amazing to me; utterly astounding at the changes a baby goes through in a mere 5 months. Here are some things my little man is now doing….
Sleeping through the night ( I just have to say- this has been going on for about two months now)
Rolling over from belly to back
Lifting head up
Trying really hard and very interested in rolling over from back to belly
Eating rice cereal (It was a struggle at first but add a little apple juice and guess what he loves it!!!) I know all the books say not to do this but you know making it a little sweeter makes feeding time easier and I like it! We are also trying peas; I have heard try vegetables first, green, yellow then orange but we shall see. He is not diggin the peas.)
Trying to hold a bottle
Cooing, screaming (happy), laugh on occasion, smiling all the time
Showing great interest and more alter to what is going on; the dogs, the tv, the lights, the fan, people in the room, etc
Likes to now grab things and put everything in his mouth.
Less time with pacifier in his mouth

These are just things that I notice on a day-to-day basis. They might be small but they mean a lot to me! He is growing and learning everyday! When people say that it will go by fast, you don’t really believe them until it happens! I like every single stage! I like that he is now more alert and really wants to know what is going on. I love that he is interacting more and playing with things. I just love that he is growing.
I find it funny that every time you get used to one new change or you get some kind of schedule that works well for everyone, his needs change. For example once we got used to having 6oz every three hours and three wonderful naps, then sleeping from 8:00 until 7:00 am- he changes to eating 4 times a day, 7oz at a time, two small meals, three naps and bedtime from 8:45 until 7:45. And I just know that once I finally get him used to eating rice cereal we will have a new challenge at hand, getting him to eat all the other foods. It’s a constant change and even though it can be hard sometimes, it’s great!


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