18 months

Our little man is 18 months old and getting bigger everyday. I have had some of this written down for a while but haven't found the time to type it up. Since we went to his 18 month check up today, I figured its a great time to put it all down.

Weight: 28 lbs
height: 34 inches
75% for both- finally they caught up to each other- for a long time he has been 50% in weight and 95th in height. He also had one shot today, finishing out his HIB and was a trooper! We will start all of his shots at 21 months.

SLEEP: Bed b/w 7:30/8 sometimes as early as 7 and as late as 8:30. He will sleep all night until about 6:45/7:15. He still loves his crib! Nap normally b/w 1/1:30 for about two hours but sometimes 3 or 3.5 hours.

***side note*** Saturday we took his bumpers off- every night since then he wakes up crying, I go in and he is laying there crying, sometimes holding his passy and other times he is looking for it. I am not liking this! So after talking to the doc today the bumpers are going back up. She thinks Wyatt might be bumping his head against the crib and that is what is waking him up. We will see.

VOCAB: He will attempt to say just about anything, meaning that we have to be more careful! It is amazing how much his vocab changes each and everyday. Here are some we here everyday.....

nite-nite- so cute! he will pretend to lay down and go to sleep and say it, my favorite!
pap-piece- passy along with saying this, he says
men- says this in a very southern way. referring to his action figures.
nana-banana or name for Nancy
peas- please
tank to- thank you
papa, mimi- almost always asks for them at some point in the day
no,no,no or just no
juice- i give him juice maybe once a month if that- but to him any drink is juice
wawa- water
knock, knock - followed by hello
did it

SOUNDS that I love.... cat, dog, horse, bee, cow, lion, sheep, monkey

action figures, toy story, momo (nemo), wee sing, curious George, Blocks, puzzles, books, finding sticks and rocks, exploring outside, stickers, running around the house, dancing- loves ring around the rosie

FOOD: He has become a little hard headed lately. It just depends on the day. Normally he will ALWAYS EAT....
gold fish
mashed potatoes
everything else is a hit or miss but he is growing and at least he loves fruit!!

We have recently discovered time out! At least once a day he ends up needing a little time out for screaming or just pitching an all out fit. The doctor today also told us that it might be a good idea to go ahead and give up the passy! So we will be working on that this weekend. I am a little sad/worried about how this is going to go because he loves it and needs it to go to sleep. Wish us luck as we try this yet again!


  1. Good luck with the paci :( I'll be thinking about you!


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