Bye Bye Paci

I dreaded the day I would have to get rid of my child's paci. He has always loved it but within the past few months he has become more attached to it. To the point where he was asking for it all the time, unless he didn't see it. If it was out of sight it was out of mind! He always asked for it and lambie when he was ready for a nap or bedtime. I was very against getting rid of it before the baby came but after our 18 month check-up the doctor suggested we go ahead and do it! Our appointment was on March the 9th and upon hearing this news I started making a plan for how we were going to do this. On Friday afternoon, March the 11th, Wyatt and I decorated a large white bag with glitter and paint and I started talking about the Paci Fairy and how we were going to say, "Bye,Bye" to the paci's and give them away to the babies. That night we went to dinner and before bath we had Wyatt put ALL of his paci's in the bag and then we walked them to the front door, put them on the porch and said, "Bye,Bye paci!" Then I just kept saying, "All gone."

Wyatt went to take his bath and to my surprise Todd was able to put him to bed without his paci! At 9 he was stirring around a little and started crying a little. I didn't go in and he went back to sleep by himself. Then at 2:20, we heard him crying and after hoping that he would go back to sleep by himself (we gave him 30 minutes) Todd had to help him out. The morning we went downstairs to see what was on the front porch, he found his bag and looked very surprised. We took it upstairs, opened it and he found a very large talking BUZZ!!! He was in love and forgot all about the paci. Todd had him for the day and gave me a pretty good report, he even took a good nap without it. Whenever he would ask about it we would just say, "There all gone!"

He has done GREAT!!! It has now been two weeks and he rarely, if ever asks for it. I am very surprised at how well he is doing without it. I am very glad that he still has lambie because that at least gives him some comfort.


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