
Showing posts from March, 2010

Diet Update!

I am now finished with the HCG diet, well finished with Phase one and I feel great! In 26 days I have lost 12.5 lbs! I think that I could have lost more but going to Atlanta for a week didn't help. I am going to take two weeks doing a low calorie diet and some working out, then I am going to do the HCG diet phase one again. I hear you get better results the second time. I'll keep you posted. Wish me luck!

7 months old

My sweet little boy is another month older today! It is hard to believe! Time is just flying by and I wish it could stand still. I love this age, watching him explore and listening to him babble. Here is what the little man has been up to..... -master roller/mover- he can get to whatever he wants, no matter where it is! -babbling- lately it is something that sounds like ba-ba. -sits up -in a new car seat- which means now using a highchair! -Still sleeping through the night :) -loves to eat puffs -can hold and drink out of a sippy cup, yet won't hold his bottle. My little man is growing up ! Pictures to come tomorrow! I'm a litte behind if you haven't noticed!

Early Easter fun...


6 month pictures at the lake

to view more of my little man.....

6 month pics!



Life has been a little crazy lately. With Todd being in Atlanta, I'm the sole caregiver of Wyatt and in charge of all the household duties which include our two little dogs! I was feeling a little down and then on Friday my spirits were lifted! My friend was nice enough to invite me to lunch and to a great consignment sale. I loved it! Actually getting up with a purpose, something to do! It was fun to have adult conversation and get to know people, such nice people. I am hoping to continue to get to know these great people and having something fun to look forward to. Along with walking away with 4 great deals from the consignment sale, I walked away with the confidence that I too could add another little one to our family. After seeing my friend take care of her two young children with such ease and patience, I am hopeful once again. Todd and I want more children, 2 or 3 more, not sure on that, but we want more and sometime soon. I have always been fearful though, would I be able t...

Wyatt doesn't like PEAS!!

Diet update

Sharing keeps me honest..... Hope you don't mind! Oreo cookie got me!! Just one! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Attitude! Attitude!!

Today was a great day... except for eating the candy! I got a couple things done at home, sat with my dogs and watched a little t.v while Wyatt took a morning nap, made a trip to Target and baby store, went to see a movie with my brother and his girlfriend, got Wyatt home, put things away, did dishes, gave him a bath, fed him his bottle, and then he went right to sleep. he actually feel asleep while I was feeding him. This has been a habit latley and one that I know I will need to break. This evening two things happened that were not so great.... a fit was thrown by the always happy Wyatt and my dogs got a hold of one of his diapers and riped it to shreds on my living room floor (what fun to clean up!). Wyatt has thrown little tantrums before, crying when you leave the room and he wants to see you but they don't last long and they are few and far between. He loves sucking on a wash cloth in the bath or playing with a cup. Tonight I let him play with the cup, even after we got out o...

Diet update...

Gave in to some raisinet while watching Alice fall down the rabbit hole! Looks like I followed! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

My new year, a new diet!

Ok, since i blog about everything else I figured I need to flog about my new diet. Maybe it will help keep me honest! Before getting pregnant I had gained weight and was not very happy with it. Before I could lose the weight I got pregnant! I gained 30 pounds with Wyatt and looking back I wish that I would not have gained that much but I'll try to remember that for next time. After Wyatt was born I dropped 25 lbs in the first month and a half. This may sound great but not so great for nursing. I got down to my pre-baby weight, then when Christmas came and we went to Hawaii I gained some weight. Not a lot but enough to still be unhappy. With summer coming I really want to get down to my goal weight! I want to loose about 25lbs! So I am trying a new diet. So far so good. Started on Tuesday March 2nd and have lost 6 lbs! I feel great! I do not feel hungry though i must admit those cravings are still there. I still want bread and cookies and choclate. Cutting out startches and sugar is...

6 Month checkup

My sweet boy is six months old and today was our well baby checkup. Turns out he is not a well-baby! He has an ear infection. Who knew? Not me! My baby goes to bed okay, wakes up happy, doesn't fuss unless tired or hungry, plays well... he is just a very happy baby. So when she told me that he had an ear infection I found that very hard to believe. He had a cold two weeks ago but I thought that everything had gone away, the cold had gone but left us with a lovely ear infection. After learning about this not so great ear infection, unfortunately i had to leave him with my parents to go to Atlanta. He is in good hands though. 6 Months and..... 17lbs and 9oz 28 inches long eating rice cereal/oatmeal/apples/bananas/pears/peas/sweet potatoes/squash/peaches and blueberries sleeping 8:30pm until 7 or 7:30am two naps a day and a little cat nap loves to play in his pack n play/on floor mat/in exersaucer loves to be read t...

My sweet boy waking up...