
Showing posts from December, 2009

Our first day in Hawaii

I feel very blessed that my child was able to sleep from 12 am to 7 am considering the time change that we went through. Sure, he didn't make it all night without needing any help, but no diaper change or feeding needed and he always went right back to sleep, I think thats doing pretty darn good. I have to thank God for that. When I found out that we were going on this trip, I began to pray every night that Wyatt would have a smooth transition to the new time. Looks like my prayers were answered. I think we still have a day or two to go but he is doing great. So today started at 7 am and is about to end when I get done typing this lovely post. Wyatt is already sound asleep in the crib stationed right in front of our dresser, the sound of waves crashing is starting to also put me to sleep. He has been asleep for the past twenty minutes and because I don't want to run the risk of waking him up by turning on the tv, I decided to hold off on watching my one of my Christmas presents...

Hawaii here we come

After finally getting all the bags packed and boxes shipped, we loaded up the car and headed out of our drive way at 6:30am. I actually had to wake little man up! He woke up with a smile though. We made it with only one stop to Atlanta and got to the airport by 9:30. Todd pulled up to the curb, jumped out of the car and started to unload our 2 checked bags, big jogging stroller, our little carry on backpack, our big carry on roll bag, bassinet, and then once I got him strapped in the front carrier, we unloaded his carseat. It was crazy!!!! We made our way through security and had about an hour to spare so we decided to all relax and feed Wyatt. Once settled in our seats, I let Nancy hold him for take off and then I tried to put him to sleep. This is our first fit! he didn't want to go to sleep and he fought me with all his strength, to bad I one!! WE both slept for about an hour until my fingers felt numb and I gave him to Todd. Wyatt made it through the rest of the flight to Salt ...

Wyatt's First Christmas

So I know that Wyatt will not remember his first Christmas, but he will remember to look at the pictures! An when he does he will know that Santa didn't forget to come visit him!! We started a new tradition this year, one that we are hoping to keep. Christmas Eve with Jack and Sarah and the rest of the Barnes family, then mimi, papa, Nana, poppy, and grandpa John come over for Breakfast Christmas morning to see Wyatt open his pictures, then dinner at the Lake. This year it was alittle off but it all turned out great!! I love Christmas time, because I love being with my family!

Leaving with a guilty conscious

There is n nothing like telling someone (a complete stranger) that you are about to be done with breastfeeding (I am telling them because I needed to know if I could be on this diet while breastfeeding) and them saying “Why stop, why not go for at least 6 months?” Well because just maybe there is more to the story than me just saying, “Hey, I’m no longer going to breastfeed!” Yes, there is defiantly more to the story and anyone who has read my blog knows the story! Latching problems, breast shields, weight loss, taking over an hour to eat and then still hungry, low milk supply and mastitis twice! I will admit that even through all those challenges I still very much enjoyed the bonding experience and knowing that I was giving Wyatt the absolute best. Wyatt has been sleeping through the night for some time, and since then I have been getting up every four hours to pump to try to keep up my milk supply. It has recently come to my attention that even that is not working. Now when I nurse h...

Wyatt’s first Thanksgiving

Wyatt’s first thanksgiving was filled with a trip to Todd’s cousin’s house, a trip to his Nana’s (Todd’s mother) and a trip to the emergency clinic for Coby. While dropping the dogs off at Four Paws Todd became aware that Coby had blood in his urine and the ladies suggested that Todd take him to the emergency clinic down the street. So after we had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving with Todd’s father’s side of the family and after paying $650 we found out that Coby has Kidney Stones! So we gathered up coby, his special dog food and medication and took him back to four paws. We were then able to finally get on the road and head to Kiawah, Island to eat some more yummy turkey with Nancy and Morgan. The trip wasn’t bad other than I had heartburn so bad I went through two rolls of Tums and a zantac and still had it! We loved our time in Charleston, eating really good food, seeing a great movie, shopping, and lets not forget sleeping in!!! Thank you Nancy and Morgan! They put a crib in ...