
Showing posts from August, 2009

38 week update (a little late)

I know this is late and I guess I don't really have a reason for that, other than I have just been doing other things. This past Monday we played the waiting game again at Dr. Williams office. It wasn't as bad but it wasn't great either. The thing I hate the most is not having to wait, but not knowing how long the wait will be. If it were just myself waiting and I had cleared out my day to go to the doctor...which is what you have to do to see Williams... I wouldn't mind but Todd however does mind. He actually has a job and can't just take off all day to go to the doctor. So he likes to have some idea of what time we will be seen so he doesn't waste his work day waiting around. Our appointment was at 3:30 and when I get there he asks me to find out the waiting time... "How is George running today", well I hate bothering the ladies at the front desk, so he normally will just call or come about 30 minutes late. When I arrived at sat down I noticed that t...

37 week update

I love our doctor! I do but when your appointment is at 3:40 and you don't leave his office until 6.... come on! I really don't mind waiting in the waiting room. With my clothes on, a magazine to read or my phone to play with. What I don't like is waiting in the room with no clothes on and only a little sheet, not even that, a little piece of paper covering me up for a good 40 minutes. Then a quick check and another wait, I guess I should be thankful it was with clothes on, for 30 minutes until we go back to talk to him. Huge fan of the doctor and the waiting room however not a huge fan on the little piece of paper and waiting in the room. All of that being said, the visit reminded me exactly of the one we had a 36 weeks except for this time I knew what was going to happen and it didn't seem to take as long. The news however was the same, cervix soft but closed. Sorry if that's to much information I guess I'm just used to sharing all of this with so many people ...

36 week update

On Tuesday we went to our 36 week doctor checkup. The only thing fun about this appointment was the fact that we were having another ultrasound done to see how big Wyatt is. Todd was 9 plus at birth and I was 7 something. Everyone thought that this would be a big baby and at first I didn't think so but I have to say if he is already 7 lbs I'm thinking that he is going to be big!! After learning that babies typically grow 1/2 a pound a week from now until birth I was very nervous about having a 9 plus baby! We talked to the doctor about his thoughts and talked about a possible induction...something that when I first got pregnant I didn't want. Williams said that at our next appointment we would see how things were progressing and make a game plan from there. I am still not sure if I like the idea of scheduling a day for Wyatt to be born. I would love to have that surprise of "It's Time!" but then again what if he goes past his due date and ends up being very bi...

Out of the Bed:(

Current nightly routine: -Let dogs out to go to the bathroom -Wipe the dogs off -Put them in the bed and go get myself ready for bed -Try to shift Coby from my pillow and get myself settled between two body pillows and two dogs that like to be right on top of me. -By 1:00am Shift Kenzie and the body pillow and try to slide out of bed to use the bathroom -3 am Kenzie or Coby making noise to get out of bed. Shift the pillows, lift Coby off the bed, walk downstairs and let them out. Wait for them to finish, lock them in the laundry room and make my way back upstairs. -6 am back up again to go to the bathroom. Happy there are no dogs to adjust and fight with! This routine has pretty much been the same the whole summer. Now that I am 36 weeks pregnant it is hard to maneuver and when you add two dogs it becomes almost i...

Just another Monday?

Yesterday was a very different kind of day for us. Friday I started not feeling well, my stomach was upset and stayed that way and then Sunday night it was accompied by cramping and some lower back pain. I didn't think to much of it until it started to be very uncomfortable, so I called the doctor and talked to the nurse. After she talked to the doctor she informed me that Williams wanted us to go to Labor and Delivery to be monitored. WHAT? I thought she would just say, get some rest and we will see you at your appointment tomorrow, but no he wanted us to go to the hospital. Not knowing what to expect I threw some makeup in a little bag, just in case someone had to run back home to get our bags... the bags that have been completely packed for about a week now... well as completley as they can be (lacking makeup, a hair brush, snacks and an outfit) locked the dogs up and then headed to the hospital. I had already called Todd and told him not to come because I didn't want him to...