MCkinley Seven Months Old

McKinley’s day looks alittle like this….
6:30/7:00 wake up for the day.
7:00: 6 -8 oz bottle
8:30: breakfast- only eats about half a jar
9:30: 6oz bottle
9:40-11:00- morning nap
11:30: lunch- about a jar and a half
1:30/2:00:8oz bottle
1:45/2:00-3:30: afternoon nap- sometimes longer or shorter depending on how her morning nap went and how early or late she went down. I try to keep her up for 2.5 to 3 hours. In between morning and afternoon nap.
4:30: 4-6oz bottle
*maybe a cat nap if you are really tired
6:00: dinner
7:10: bath/pjs and 8oz bottle
7:30 asleep for the night

SLEEP: I can’t complain for one minute about her sleeping habits!!! I will even venture to say that they are better than Wyatts and I always thought Wyatt was a great sleeper. McKinley will sleep between 11-12 hours everynight without waking, some times she wakes at around 5 or 6 because of a dirty diaper but she will go right back down after being changed. For naps, she will take a bottle, her blankie and go right to sleep. If she doesn’t take a bottle, she is pretty good about just laying down and playing until she goes to sleep. She loves to have her pink bunny blankie and her bunny stuffed animal. When she does wake up, she plays quietly until we go in to get her, unless she has a bad dirty diaper, then she is crying.

EATING: She is loving her bottle once again, but now not liking her food so much. She eats when she is hungry! She just started with puffs, not a huge fan but she did try a cracker type thing yesterday and loved it!! She likes her sippy cup, but really to play with it. Doesn’t care much for what comes out of it.

*Not a fan of the paci anymore, she won’t take it! I’ll be honest though, she doesn’t really need it. If she is crying its because she is hungry, wet, or tired or her brother is driving her crazy.

*Army crawling but still can’t sit up on her own. She will sit up if you get her there but can’t do it herself. I underestimate how fast she can army crawl

*LOVES her jumping thing!!! I mean loves it!

*Likes to watch her brother and to go after his toys

*Says DADA! She is not much of a talker but I love it when she gets going and says this over and over, its so sweet.

*Can’t sit in a highchair yet, but I can tell that she really wants to because she doesn’t like sitting in her carrier while we are at dinner. She is happy for maybe 20/30 minutes and then she leans forward to see what is going on and get VERY happy once you let her out.

*Loves to giggle- Wyatt is great at making her laugh

*Love to be read to, she thinks the books are funny and I love watching her expressions!

She is such a sweetheart and she truly makes our family complete. She is laid back, quiet, reserved, yet loves to smile at anyone that will talk to her. She is the best baby and we are blessed to have her in our lives. We can’t imagine it without her!


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