We have a picky princess on our hands

When Wyatt was 6 months old, he would eat 8 oz at a time, about every 4 hours. Sometimes he would even cry when I took the bottle away. With McKinley, its a different story. She will eat when she wants and what she wants. It has been so hard to get her on a schedule because at 7:30 she might want the full 8oz and then she will make it 4 hours, but she may only want 2oz and then she is hungry 2 hours late. I can almost always manage to get between between 24-28 oz in her by the end of the day, and this makes me happy! The past couple days though, feeding time has been pure torture. She will toss her head back, purse her lips together and flat our refuse to drink her bottle. After battling with her for 10 minutes, I manage to get her to drink 1-4oz. Today she has had a total of 19oz for the day and two meals (today they were bigger meals than normal). A couple things I am worried about....
*She isn't getting enough to eat.
*She will wake up in the middle of the night! (Ahhhhh! Say it ain't so! She has been sleeping 12 full hours since, I think 4 months! I can't go back!!)

I don't know what to do! Any suggestions? Maybe I should just go with it but that's really hard to do.


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