McKinley Six Months Old

McKinley is 6 months old. Where did the time go?!?

*EATING: Picky girl! McKinley’s feeding schedule looks a little something like this…
7:45/8:30 somewhere in there: 4 oz bottle
8:45/9: half a jar of breakfast food
9:30/10:00 sometime before she naps: 4-6oz bottle
11:30: we try a 4 oz bottle it’s a hit or miss
12:00: Jar of vegetables or fruit
1:30/2:30 sometime before her afternoon nap: 8 oz bottle
4:30: 4 oz bottle if we are lucky
6:00: Jar of vegetables
7:15: 8 oz bottle

We have learned that you will eat when you want to eat! She has gotten better at drinking her bottle, there were 2-3 weeks where she was very difficult to feed! She would turn her head at the sight of it. Now McKinley sees it and normally wants it. She is also so much better at eating her baby food. I think 6 months hit and she was loving it. Her favorite is plum baby organics. She will eat the entire tube of it and want more. Not a big fan of peas/carrots or green beans but sometimes you can sneak them in.

*SLEEP: She is a GREAT sleeper. We can 90% of the time; lay her down and she will play until she falls asleep. The length of the nap isn’t always great but we are working on that. Nap schedule is a little like this…
7:30/8:30: She will wake up and sometimes go back to sleep. She will lay in there awake for 30-45 minutes before even making a sound! Wyatt was the same way.
9:45/10:15: Morning nap. If it’s a day we drop Wyatt off at school we play beat the clock to get home before she falls asleep. If she does fall asleep we push naps back and it kind of messes up our day but we work with it. This nap is normally 1.5 hours or so. I can normally just read her a book, give her a bottle, and lay her in your crib and she will fall asleep.
Sometimes she will fall asleep around 11:30 if we are in the car.
1:30/2:30: afternoon nap. I would love to say that she takes a long nap but she doesn’t. It normally last 30-45 minutes. Sometimes 1.5 and I’m happy with that!
4:30/5:00: If we are in the car M always falls asleep if we are at home, she may or may not sleep but really needs to!
7:30 (or after your bottle): We lay her down in the crib and she normally takes about 20-30 minutes to go to sleep. Sleeps until the next morning!

*Will now take her MAM paci!!! YAY! Still doesn’t need it that much. Really only when she is about to go to sleep. If I give it to her to play with she puts it in her mouth and she likes it better.

*More vocal but still quieter than Wyatt ever was.

*Not crawling yet, but she will turn, roll and get where she needs to go.

*Not sitting up yet but close. Does baby pulls up as I call them, all the time.

*Loves trying to grab at Wyatt’s toys or anything that is in his hands. He hates this.

**BIG EVENT: This month she stayed with daddy, Nana, and Big Dude while I was in NYC! She also wore her first Halloween costume at our pumpkin carving party. Looked so cute as a little Strawberry.

Happy 6 months to my sweet little girl!


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