My wonderful Husband

I wanted to take a minute to talk about my wonderful husband who is going to be a daddy in a mere 62 days... maybe sooner! I don't think that men really understand the bond and love that a woman feels for her child even before its born. We get to feel all the kicks and flutters and there is that connection that I just can't explain. The men have to go through 9 months of waiting, only seeing ultrasound pictures and hearing the heartbeat at doctors appointments. If they are lucky they can feel the baby kick and move but for Todd this doesn't happen often because Wyatt stops as soon as his hand touches my belly. So the men have to sit back, watch the belly's grow, listen to us rejoice and complain about what the baby's been doing but they don't really have that connection. Todd has been very supportive, helpful and understanding about everything that I have gone through and continue to go through. I think that Todd is going to be the best support person/coach anyone could ask for. I also think that he is going to be a very hands on dad and that he can't wait to meet his son. Todd has loved being a part of every decision from the bedding selection to shopping for clothes and he even goes to every single doctors appointment. Having a child is definitely something that I couldn't do without someone I love. I feel closer to Todd now than I ever have before. I can't imagine going through pregnancy and even labor and delivery without him by my side for his love and support. He is the most amazing man! I just want to tell him thanks!


  1. made me cry! I feel exactly the same way about Scott!


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